Power is defined as the possibility of imposing one's will upon the behavior of another. In an age where countries and militant groups wage war on each other, the citizens beneath their respective leaders look to them for guidance and morals. These leaders are in a very influential position and they should be trusted to make wise decisions. It is probably safe to say that after September 11 most Americans felt very hostile toward Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist army. However, after the initial retaliation from our government, prominent leaders as well as everyday people have been voicing their strategies, both violent and non-violent, concerning the plan of action that will be taken against terrorism.
Once of the most difficult challenges in life is for us to turn the other cheek. That, however, is almost precisely what John Paul Lederach is asking America to do. The goal of all terrorist regimes that are waging war with America is destroy our way of life.
Lederach suggests that we not give them that satisfaction. "The biggest blow we can server terror is to make it irrelevant. The worst thing we could do is to feed it unintentionally by making it and its leaders the center stage of what we do." Not only should our military attacks stop, but also the money that is being spent trying to destroy the Taliban should be invested in the social development of Afghanistan. If we continue to financially aid his country, then Bin Laden will loose his justifications for attacking us. Lastly, Lederach calls for our countries' leaders to get together and open a dialogue so that a "web of ethics" might be created. This web, which encompasses ethical, political and religious viewpoints, will affect terrorism more powerfully than any amount of military force ever...
Incorrect title
This essay does not say much in terms of 'the properties of power'. Focuses mainly on ways of dealing with terrorism, particularly recent issues. The claim that the catholic church is the way to go comes out of nowhere and lacks supporting evidence.
Whilst overall this essay lacks content and support for the arguement the author attempts to make, there are some good things to be taken from it.
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