Emotional Intelligence

Essay by ksenia2005College, UndergraduateB, July 2009

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Anger is one of the biggest barriers to a win-win outlook. Effective individuals cope with anger, work through it, and manage it constructively rather than destructively.

Definition of AngerAnger is an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage (Spielberger, 1999).

The Nature of AngerIt is important to note that anger has physical and emotional components. Like any other emotion, anger can and is accompanied by physiological and biological changes such as an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and a change in the level of the energy hormones adrenalin and noradrenalin (Spielberger, 1999). Look at Image 1. A clenched fist is a physical sign of anger. Again, anger varies in intensity. Being at the point of pulling your hair out like shown in Image 2 is a sign that you are more than slightly angry. Be on the alert for physical signs of your growing anger so you can calm yourself before you get to the point of rage shown in Image 2.

It is also important to note that anger has many different causes. Anger can be caused by internal and external events. You can be angry at a specific person or at an event. In Image 3, you see a man screaming angrily at a computer. It's anyone's guess whether he is mad at the computer or at a message he received through the computer or something else entirely. Anger comes from many sources. It can also be caused by worrying about personal problems or by memories of traumatic or enraging events.

Anger can come on very suddenly as in the case of the emotional hijacks we described in the previous module, or it can simmer and build slowly. A lot depends on the individual. An effective person is aware...