Faults and Strengths of Macbeth

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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In William Shakespeare's, Macbeth, a tragedy written 1606, Shakespeare brings to attention the complex intellect between the ideas that man must face in making decisions. This play takes place in eleventh century Scotland. Macbeth, a once noble and loyal soldier turns to evil ways for things he desires such as power and approval. He murders his precious king, friend, and other innocent civilians to become king. He takes advice from three witches and his wife, neither of whom gives just advice. He then kills and becomes a villainous tyrant, mad on his lustful and wanton thirst for power. With Macbeth's mind going and in his undulated state Macduff and Malcolm overthrow him. He dies by the hand of Macduff in a final battle. His gullibility and listening to others become the tragic hero's major weakness in the play.

The first problem Macbeth finds are conniving witches bent on his absolute destruction.

He meets the witches with Banquo and they tell him he will soon become thane of glamis, thane of cawdor, and the king hereafter (307). First, Macbeth dismissed the questionable information and refuses to believe what he has been told. Only after named Thane of Cawdor by King Duncan does he ponder the thought of king and the witches' prophesy. He questions saying, "This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good." (309). Another meeting with the witches reveals how gullible Macbeth truly had become. The witches show him apparitions about his future. The first saying that he should fear Macduff, the second saying no man born of a woman can harm him, and the last saying he shall be safe until the Great Birnam woods move towards his home, Dunsinane (354-355). This disillusions Macbeth and he begins to become overconfident in the visions by thinking he is invincible.