Garbage with no place to go

Essay by petenoneya June 2004

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Garbage with no place to go

We all produce garbage in everyday living but we don't think much about what we do with it. Today there is becoming less and less room to dispose of this waste and it is starting to have no place to go.

Canadians produce more garbage per person that just about any other country in the world. With this much garbage produced it is bound to cause problems. Waste is a substance or material for which the owner or producer has no further use and so it is discarded. It ranges from household garbage to the by-products of industrial processes. However, many things that we think of as wastes still contain useful resources. Many things can be used again. By recycling some of this waste, it may be possible to decrease some of our everyday household waste.

Annually Canadians toss 30 tones of waste to the curb.

This waste ends up in landfills, dumps and municipal incinerators for disposal, contributing to other environmental problems. These problems can include atmospheric pollution, leaching into ground water and surface water. This leaching can cause contamination of water supplies as well it can harm organisms which live in these water supplies.

There are many ways in which we dispose of our waste not all of which are safe for our environment. The burning or, incineration of wastes cause air emissions which must be strictly controlled, as well ashes are produced which need to be carefully disposed of.

The use of landfill sites which are not properly constructed can allow leaching to occur which can contaminate groundwater and soil if not carefully controlled.

Some good ways to decrease the amount of garbage which we produce is to recycle the materials which are recyclable, reuse the stuff that we can, and...