George C Wallace

Essay by ClehnertHigh School, 10th gradeB+, May 2014

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Journal Entry #1: Date: January 16th, 1945

I have made it through most of World War II hunny. I have flown multiple bombing missions over Japan and praying no more. By now most of my mates and I pray together that this massive outrage will end soon and we will get to see you women soon. When I come home, I want to make a difference in Alabama Lurleen, I have set a plan and expect to achieve it, though I have little alone time here, all the time I have has been put into this thought… Hun when I get home, changes will be made.

Journal Entry #2: Year: 1953

I can see it now all over the papers in town GEORGE C WALLACE GOVERNOR OF ALABAMA! It's over, it's over! I will return to Alabama and reunite with you, finally the time has come. I now can enlighten you with my great plans, read closely..

By 1946 I plan to enter into local law becoming an assistant attorney general for the state. I then plan to become state legislature, no matter how hard it is to get there, there is always a way. Hoping to serve more than one year as State Legislature, but I will be home soon enough Lurlleen. Changing the world one step at a time. There are so many changes to be made in Alabama.

Journal Entry #3: Year: 1953

My plan has just begun and I have been elected judge in the Third Judicial Circuit Court of Alabama! I was given the nickname "The Fighting Little Judge" because of my boxing days back when I won two Alabama golden Gloves championships in 1963 and 1937. My legislative decisions were quite productive. I have created a lot of Wallace sponsored bills which...