From Groups to Teams (sports p

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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Teams of people can be witnessed everywhere throughout today's society. They are commonplace in schools, and businesses are attempting to implement their use in the work environment. The overwhelming question that many of these people strive to answer pertains to the way in which groups of people form into a team. Take twenty male college students, for example, who are between the ages of 18 and 22. A person or group may take these individuals and put them together forming them into a group, nothing more nothing less. They have a common identity, a shared objective, and other similar traits that have thrust them into their current position. Over time this group can develop into a team through several steps.

The first of these steps is very obvious and has to do with the members becoming well acquainted with each other. The more time the members of the team spend together the closer they will become.

To make a strong group the people involved in the group must know personal information about each other. Although they need not all be best friends they need to get along well and know the background of the other members of the team. This allows the group to be sensitive to each other's needs and wants. It also helps members to understand why some act the way they do and in what fashion they desire to be treated. An individual is much more motivated when they are playing for their friends then when they are playing for a group of total strangers.

The next step that must be realized is the formation of leaders and followers. In many ways a group is kind of like a pack of wild animals. Certain individuals in the group struggle for the leadership role while others are...