Health and wellnes in the workplace

Essay by horubgacUniversity, Bachelor'sF, July 2004

download word file, 4 pages 4.4

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Good health and physical wellness is important in today's workplace. Healthy employees' in the workplace can lead to a more productive company. Many employers have adopted changes in companies worldwide to include physical fitness and wellness courses for their workforce. Helping employees establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle has significant benefits to the individual and the organization. Worksite wellness is health care reform that works. Only worksite health promotion stands out as the long term answer for keeping employees well in the first place. Health and wellness will play a vital role in the success of companies. Companies have realized the importance of good health and wellness in the workforce. More companies are implementing physical fitness and wellness into the structure of the company. With increasing evidence supporting health promotion programs in the workplace, more companies than ever are implementing health and wellness strategies to reduce injuries, health care costs and long term disability.

A benefit of good health and wellness in the workplace ultimately saves money for the company and the employee. A number of studies provide evidence of lower medical and insurance costs for participants in health promotion programs, particularly programs involving exercise. For $30 per person, the Bank of America conducted a health promotion program for retirees using a risk assessment questionnaire, self-care books and other mailed materials. Insurance were reduced an average of $164 per year in this group while they increased $15 for the control group. Since they were able to document significant changes in risk behavior, they anticipate greater savings in the future. Pacific Bell's Fit Works participants claim $300 less per case for a one year savings of $700,000. Savings for conditions related to a sedentary lifestyle are $722 per case. Coca Cola reported a reduction in health care claims with an exercise...