Human infertility and the techniques used to solve the problems.
"Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive pregnancy after a year of unprotected sexual relation or the inability to carry a pregnancy to term."
Why do people desperately want to have children? There are many various reasons such as social/family pressure, an intensive desire to have their own genetic children and so on. This desire could turn into a depression among couple if they discover that they are infertile. Becoming aware that having children will be difficult is a distressing event with a long-term impact on every infertile couple's relationship. As an infertile person, it is likely to lose self-confidence, feel self-blame and guilty.
What cause infertility?
-Tubal damage; due to past sexually transmitted infections/diseases or previous surgery.
-Sexually transmitted diseases, early miscarriage.
-Lifestyle; poor diet, smoking, alcohol, weight problem.
-Psychological reasons; stress-Sexually transmitted diseases; cause a blockage of the ducts in the testes and affect sperm reproduction.
-Lifestyle; smoking, alcohol affect the development, density, morphology and motility of sperm.
In the past thirty years, science has been rapidly contributed to the progress. Many techniques have been discovered in order to solve the infertility problem and to meet the human need and demand. The field of ARTs (Assisted Reproduction Technologies) has expanded steadily since the birth of Louis Brown- the first test-tube baby- in 1978. In this report, only the techniques which are commonly used will be introduced. Other techniques may have been newly discovered by different authorities and organizations but they are not yet widely accepted. The details of the techniques' procedures, the factors associated with success rates and some discussion about the issues related to ARTs will also be provided.
ARTs and Female infertility
IVF (In-vitro Fertilisation) or as known as 'test-tube baby technique' is...