internet versus books

Essay by keembeUniversity, Bachelor's September 2014

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This essay discusses the role of internet and web browsers on the communication practices in the modern world and also how the age of books and libraries are coping on communication practices since all knowledge and information can easily be acquired through electronic means. The essay further explores the repercussions of the internet and web browsers, and if it has an edge over the age of books and libraries on communication practices in the modern world.

It is important to note that the internet and web browsers in modern day have become an avenue of entertainment, communication, which is widely used in research and as a reference tool. This feature has had a huge impact on the communication practices in the modern world. At the same time, there has been concern by some people that the age of books and libraries was diminishing since all knowledge and information could be acquired through electronic means.

This concern has focused mostly on the advantages the internet and web browsers have as compared to those of books and libraries and how their influences outweigh the benefits to the society. This essay therefore, presents an argument that the internet and web browsers have not far outweighed the use of books and libraries in the modern world

There is need to understand what the internet and web browsers are. According to Kotler, Armstrong (2004) the internet is a vast and burgeoning global web of computer networks with no central management or ownership. Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines a web browser as a computer program used for accessing sites or information on a network (as the World Wide Web). This is a simple, yet accurate description. Web browsers come in many different styles, each with their own nuances. However, the main reason a person utilizes a web...