Essays Tagged: "Google"

There's no doubting Google's power and popularity. Yet few of us use the search engine effectively. Mrjatinchopra offers some tips

Google is now the world's most powerful website, and if it goes publicthis year, its young founders, ... ny banner ads. And while there areother places to search the web, most websites are now dependent onGoogle for a large proportion of their new visitors. The question thatdrives all but a few commercia ... bmasters today is: "How do I changemy site to make it appear on the first page when someone searchesGoogle?"What is even more impressive is that Google has achieved its supremacyby word of mouth: by d ...

(5 pages) 334 5 4.5 Jan/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Internet and networking

The Usefullness and Differences of Search Engines

Search engines are a vital research tool for anyone trying to find information on the Internet and Google is considered to be the most popular at performing this function. A number of search engines ... hem more or less desirable for different types of searches. There are a number of reasons as to why Google is so popular among the searchers on the Internet and other companies that would like a share ...

(6 pages) 217 1 3.9 Apr/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

1st person speach on how google works

GoogleI know that may of you went to Google to find your topic. Although you may think that you know ... gh you may think that you know how Google probably don't. Today I will be explaining how Google works.Google runs on a unique combination of advanced databases and rural computers. The spee ... of low cost PC's-maybe- even yours- contributes to make this super fast search engine.The heart of Google's software is PageRank®. PageRank is a system for ranking web pages based on the key word ...

(1 pages) 111 0 3.8 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

How does the internet affect the organization of the firm in the transportation industry - including a brief case study how e-markets may enter SCM

OpeningGOOGLE AS FRAMEWORK OF ANALYSISApple with its new iPod and Samsung with its new smartphones rely hea ... lnerability to risks like political instability or (terror) strikes.What does the world expect? Ask Google. The term "supply chain management" generates over 5 mio results. The term "supply chain effi ... iciency" 0.8 mio entries. And the term "supply chain risk" 1.5 mio entries. However unacademic this Google-scenario may be it does nevertheless reflect the big challenges facing companies that jump on ...

(18 pages) 628 1 4.4 Jun/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics


rtant factor in managing any type of business or organization. But what is delegation? According to Google dictionary Delegation is "The process by which an object passes on a message it has received ... time and as required.Works CitedRight track associates. Delegate it's easy. 16 October, 2003 Google Dictionary. 8&oi=defmore&q=def ...

(5 pages) 139 0 3.0 Jul/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

1. What are the two or three main features of Google that led to its success as the number one search engine and what features should its competitors add to overtake Google as the top search engine?

ation research and management, there is an Internet Search Engine (ISE) that stands above the rest. Google has been the number one ISE for many years because of its speed, size of database and simplic ... the personal level everyone looks for efficiency to enhance time management and increase profits. Google's competitors must enlarge to their databases, while maintaining the quality of their search ...

(5 pages) 394 0 4.6 Aug/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies > E-commerce

Defining Public Relations

Relations Defining Public Relations is very subjective. Type 'define public relations' into Google and you will get about 5,720,000 results. Definitions can be as simple as: "The promotion and ...

(3 pages) 303 0 2.3 Feb/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

A New Take On The WBJ Model Dmitriy Koval

r signals from one source to another. Since there are so many definitions floating around when you "google" communication there are just as many models that display through a geographical or collectio ...

(4 pages) 28 0 4.2 Feb/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Communication Studies

The Power of Delegation.

rtant factor in managing any type of business or organization. But what is delegation? According to Google dictionary, delegation is "The process by which an object passes on a message it has received ... elegation will require careful planning.References(2005). Retrieved Sept. 28, 2005, from of DelegationBlair, G. M. (2005). In The Art of Delegation. Retrieved Sept. 29, ...

(4 pages) 95 0 3.0 Oct/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

Composition on bad elements on the internet: spyware/adware/phishing etc.

age could be one you never knew about or may be an adult site. When you use the browser search, the Google or MSN search may not open instead, An unscruplous site that may even ask for personal detail ... )1. Mozilla Firefox2. Opera 8 Beta3. Mozilla Suite4. Netscape5. Internet Explorer 6Pop-Up Blocker1. Google Search Bar2. MSN Search Bar3. Yahoo! Search BarDownload Sites1. CNET Download.com2. ...

(2 pages) 44 1 1.0 Jan/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Internet and networking

Google agrees to commit evil for the Chinese Communist regime.

Google has become the latest company to kowtow to the fascist Chinese government's demands on intern ... nment's demands on internet content and thus has sold out on its corporate mantra: "Don't be evil". launched yesterday will censor ALL politically sensitive material the regime demands, thus ... It will make it easier to discover all the evil acts committed by the Japanese 65 years ago however.Google has the afron to argue that it could play a more useful role in China by participating than b ...

(2 pages) 113 2 4.2 Jan/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues

Chinese government has killed more than the Nazis- How one day Google and France will have to answer to Chinese liberated from communism.

unist party was responsible for more deaths than the Nazis, but the West (as shown most recently by Google and Microsoft) will connive with such evil just to make a buck just like Bush's grandpa.As he ...

(2 pages) 32 0 3.5 Feb/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues

Yusef Komunyakaa with bibliography

been given, and chose Komunyakaa after reading through the names of available authors. I went on to Google, and searched for information about him. I opened the first website on the list, and was plea ...

(3 pages) 16 0 5.0 Feb/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Authors


and the long-term effects/prognosis for the person affected. Use a search engine on the WEB (i.e., Google) and summarize what you learned on your teratogens of interest. Provide the exact web sites.W ...

(4 pages) 52 0 5.0 Mar/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Google Public Offer Paper

Google goes publicAn Initial Public Offering is the first sale of stock by a private company to the ... hip and control, and the source and application funds.Registration, Disclosure and Compliance IssuesGoogle Inc. has filed a registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC ... mmon stock, putting the Internet search pioneer on its way to becoming a public company.The move by Google rumored for months and the expectations for this IPO are extremely high in the technology sec ...

(6 pages) 618 1 4.1 Mar/2006

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Self Exploration 1: If I died Tomorrow...

d to live. His entire life is composed of work. Even on his summer break, he took a job working for Google, a job working for a professor and even started a business based upon an invention of his. He ...

(1 pages) 1072 0 0.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

"Gauging Google's Gaffes"

This reading of Business Week article, "Gauging Google's Gaffes", leads me to believe that a practice associated with successful business is honesty ... s are left out. As analysts dissected the company's leaked financial forecasts, they also chastised Google for repeatedly confusing investors. Google also advised investors to disregard its internal f ... ts, which were briefly posted last week on the company's Web site. Besides forecasting its revenue, Google indicated its robust profit margins might weaken this year as more its rivals try to lure awa ...

(2 pages) 87 0 3.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies > E-commerce

Rap vs. folk music. Is rap the new Folk music?

ssociate the genre with Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie. When a search of 'Folk Music' was performed on, the definition came out to be "Music originating among the common people of a nation or ... to assume that Folk music evolves with time, shifting genres as our tastes change? Reading onwards, also says that "Folk music is more or less synonymous with traditional music. Some would ...

(3 pages) 35 0 3.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: Art Essays > Music History & Studies

Google generation

What is Google? Are we the Google generation? This question and so many more could come to our thoughts; in ... we the Google generation? This question and so many more could come to our thoughts; in first place Google it's the mechanism, were mostly young people use to search all type of information, such as p ... e can use to do other things, we don't need to spend time looking for the information we want as in Google with one word we can already get loads of information, sometimes to much, till that point tha ...

(1 pages) 87 0 1.0 Oct/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Persuasive Writing

Skin cancer site goes in full detail of what skin cancer ... ancer cells are found in the melanocytes. These cells produce color in the skin or pigment chose this site because it provides cancer information covering m ... d radiotherapy can be used on the secondary tumors. This will prolong life but it is not a chose this site because it is the biggest manufacturer of sunsc ...

(2 pages) 30 0 3.5 Nov/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology > Human Biology