The Life of Jacqueline Lee Kennedy         Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was

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The Life of Jacqueline Lee Kennedy Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28,1929. As a young girl she attended Miss Chapin's the fashionable school on Manhattan's East Side. Jackie went to boarding school at Miss Porter's in Farmington, Connecticut. She went to college at Vassar, and her junior year abroad in Paris. She returned to the United States to finish college at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. She wrote novels for magazines, and newspapers.

"In 1951 Jackie meat John Filzgerald Kennedy for the first time." On September 12, 1953, Jackie and John were married. Caroline Kennedy was born on November 27, 1957. "After Caroline's birth J.F.K. was up for the reelection as a senator for Massachusetts, and Jackie was active in the 1958 senatorial campaign." After Kennedy returned to Washington, he began to seek for presidential nomination. Jackie helped her husband with campaigns until she became pregnant with John Junior.

He was born on November 25,1960.

Jackie became the First Lady at 31 years old, in 1961. As soon as J.F.K. was elected "Jackie began working to reorganize the White House so that Brooks she could turn it into a home for her children and protect their privacy." She appointed a Fine Arts Committee to restore the White House. She formed the White House Historical Association, and a Special Committee for White House Paintings. As First Lady, Jackie felt strongly, "she wrote the forward to The White House: A Historical Guide." "She also developed the idea of a filmed tour of the White House that she would conduct." It was broadcasted on February 14, 1962, and distributed to 106 countries. Millions of people watched Jackie's televised tour of the White House and copied her latest hairstyles. She charmed the country with her grace and beauty. "The First Lady had and important influence on fashion and culture." Jackie traveled around the world with her husband to help, and to accompany him, but in some places she was more famous than him. "Mrs. Kennedy was the renewal of Pennsylvania Avenue, the preservation of Lafayette Square, across from the White House, and planned for a national cultural complex, which eventually became the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C." "Her interest in preservation extended beyond the United States and included her involvement in the rescue of the ancient Egyptian temples at Abu Simbel, threatened by the flood waters created by the Aswan Dam. "Her enthusiasm for the historical preservation movement contributed to its growing influence throughout the nation and enhanced Americans' understanding and Brooks appreciation of their heritage." Designers, magazines, newspapers, and the public were influenced by her taste. "On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas and Jacqueline Kennedy became a widow at age 34." After Jackie became a widow, she was very active in Bobby Kennedy's presidential bid in 1968. Tragedy struck and Bobby was assassinated by Sirhan. Everyone began to think that Jackie wouldn't remarry, but in October 1968 she married for seven years then he died in 1975. They had problems in their marriage, so they spent most of their time apart. She moved back to New York after his death, and began working as a book editor. She moved up to be a senior editor over the years. "In 1994 Jackie Kennedy made public the information that she was being treated for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and that her condition was responding well to therapy." The disease killed her on May 19,1994. She was buried beside John F. Kennedy in Arlington National Cemetary.

Jacqueline Kennedy was a big inspiration for women around the world. She was very influenced woman that did things that effected the world in many different ways. Jackie protected her family and others around the world. I felt that she would of done a lot more, if her husband wouldn't of been assassinated. I feel that she gave women hope to make something out of themselves. I also believe that she gave people courage to move on with their lives, even if they have lost someone dear to them. I believe she was a great woman, and one of the best First Ladies that Brooks United States has ever had.