Literature Review on Behaviour modification strategies used in classrooms

Essay by vanikumUniversity, Master's April 2004

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Most educators agree that effective learning involves a variety of cognitive and metacognitive strategies (Meece, 1994) as well as good discipline and classroom management. Whilst not ignoring the value of cognitive and metacognitive strategies for effective learning, recent research has stated that discipline and classroom management is probably the most taxing aspect of a teacher's role (Carey, 2003; B. Rogers, 1997). For some teachers the most difficult task may not be the mastery of the content matter but learning how to deal effectively with children. Osborn and Osborn (1989) reported that there were situations when their best lesson plans were lost due to poor classroom management and discipline techniques. Misbehaviour can be hurtful; it disrupts and disinhibit others learning. Discipline problems are a major concern for the teachers in schools.

Schools encourage and enhance the youths of the society to acquire skills and knowledge that will help them become responsible contributors to society as adults and teachers are the facilitators of this learning process (Carey, 2003).

However, better part of the teachers' role is to come up with solutions to the pervasive problem of maintaining discipline. Discipline is essential if students are going to learn unhampered by hostile disruptions (Osborn & Osborn, 1989; B. Rogers, 1997; W. A. Rogers, 1991; Smith & Laslett, 1993). Classroom discipline is harder these days. However, with effective discipline teachers will be able to deliver the curriculum. Teachers will need to step out of their customary role of curriculum delivery and develop skills to manage behaviour problems.

The single most cause of concern for educators are discipline problems in schools as it affects all aspects of education (Crittenden, 1991; Smith & Laslett, 1993). Teachers can face a range of disruptions in any one day or session. These disruptions may range from low level variety,