Marketing Proposal

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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The purpose of this research is to determine if advertising plays a key role in the attendance at Johnson and Wales University sporting events. We are trying to determine if an appropriate amount of money is being spent on advertising compared to other universities. In the process, we will establish if there are any other driving forces behind attendance and nonattendance such as success of the teams, alternate forms of sports related entertainment, and the demographics of those who attend to those who do not attend. Our results may or may not determine the significance of advertising as it relates to participation and to the degree that it does affect it, but maybe we can see that it is used more efficiently. The research question: is there is a direct relationship between the level of advertising and awareness on the campus at Johnson & Wales University and the level of overall attendance when it comes to attending or participating In collegiate sporting events? We hope to find out what is being spent on advertising at J&W and several other Universities.

We will examine participation at sporting events here and at other Universities. We will attempt to determine what is the driving force behind attendance and non-attendance. We will also examine other possible factors, which may affect participation such as success of the teams, alternate forms of sports related entertainment, demographics of those who attend and those who do not, and several others. Our results may or may not determine the significance of advertising as it relates to participation and to the degree that it does affect it, how can it be used more efficiently.

To test whether or not there is a significant relationship between advertising and the lack of attendance/participation in sports, we plan to conduct a...