"A Marxist View on Government and Religion of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia"

Essay by Snakediddy19University, Bachelor'sA, April 2002

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"A Marxist View on Government and Religion of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia"

When it comes to history, there are several different ways to look back at the past. The ideas and beliefs of Karl Marx can provide a good comparative aspect on the past. Marxism is the belief developed by Marx that takes away classes and puts all the people on the same level. Everything is equal. When looking back at the government and religion of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, a Marxist would realize that these two civilizations are not suitable for Marxism.

Marxism is a political aspect that takes away the centralized power of governments and takes away class structure. A Marxist society will eventually turn into a communist society. There are three main ideas that go along with Marxism. They are the idea of materialism, a public ownership of property and the idea that history progresses only through a series of conflicts.

The conflict that Marx mentions is one between the proletarian class (working class) and the bourgeoisie (upper class). The proletarians would rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie. In a perfect Marxist society, there would also be no oppression, slavery or even a single leader. Everyone would be equal without prejudice, with all the same rights and abilities.

The government of ancient Egypt would not fit into a Marxist society. There are a few reasons for this. To start off, there is a centralized government. The king, who is called a pharaoh, has power over the whole state. He kept a close eye on everything from taxes, to controlling public works, to having total control of the land. The pharaoh kept the peasants busy and he taxed them heavily. The pharaoh also appointed regional governors to help control the state. They, like the pharaoh, had a great...