New Restaurant

Essay by dorishernandezElementary School, 4th grade November 2014

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Doris LDI essay 2 draft

New restaurant

What a good idea is live close to restaurants! Restaurant means a place where people can enjoy a lots of delicious food . There are a lot of kind of restaurant and it is good to have several choices in the neighborhood. If a new restaurant were built in my neighborhood, I would support the idea because economic increase, job opportunities and development of the area.

The first reason why I support to built a restaurant in my neighborhood is due to economic increase because people would spend the money in there. In addition of that, the restaurant owner will pay taxes to the city. The new restaurant will improve the local economical climate, which can attract more businessmen and more investment.

The second reason why I support to built a restaurant in my neighborhood is because it would be more job opportunities.

The restaurant will need people to work at and they will hire people from the area, which can directly improve the living conditions of the local people. That way unemployment rate could decrease. The new restaurant can have positions such as cookers, cleaners, waiters, receptionists, and more.

The final reason why I support to built a restaurant in my neighborhood is because development of the area. The neighborhood would be attractive for new people that come to join the restaurant. Also, The restaurant would be popular as well the neighborhood. If the restaurant become a well known restaurant then many people will visit the neighborhood and this improve the view of neighborhood and develop other businesses.

To summarize, I would support the idea to build a new restaurant in my neighborhood because economic benefices, job opportunities and business development of the area