Nightclubs and Drugs

Essay by Rene BirenUniversity, Bachelor'sA-, March 1997

download word file, 6 pages 4.2

Downloaded 92 times

Cultural beliefs, expectations, and ideals - how they contribute to drug use.

Why they cause certain anti-drug efforts to fail

The extermination of illegal drugs has always been one of our most

important, worldwide issues. Ending the existence of drugs is one of the

toughest and most complicated goals we face. Despite our constant battle

against them, illegal substances continue to exist and thrive in our culture.

With all the effort we put into the war against drugs, why is there little success?

Lack of effort is not a major reason our attempts are failing. It is the lack of

understanding that leads to the misdirection and failure of our attempts.

Obviously a strong desire to use drugs exists, and it is the prevention of this

desire that we need to focus on in order to wipe out drugs from our lives.

In fact, our focus is strongly on punishing drug users, yet applying laws

against committed drug crimes has not proven to be an effective solution.


are still produced and distributed everywhere, and are taken by many. -- despite

Obviously our focus is mid-directed. Because all types of people use

illegal substances, pinpointing one specific group to "bust" is not effective.

Recently, we have tried to track the location of drug use. We find places where

drugs tend to be, and seek to close them down as an effort to decrease the overall

use of drugs.

This has proved to be an ineffective technique because it does not change

people's craving for drugs. Reasons leading up to drug use still exist. Arresting

people for drugs does not kill their desire to use them. Closing down a crack

house does not end the residents addiction, it just forces them to move.

Reprimanding committed crimes does not eliminate the...