Organizational Behavior.

Essay by keiserSozeUniversity, Master's June 2003

download word file, 2 pages 3.6 1 reviews

Organizational behavior studies the functions in which behavior and performance of individual organization members influence the demeanor and effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

Organizational behavior can be viewed from a number of different perspectives or levels of analysis. This paper will briefly discuss it=s importance and the difference of two methodologies of having personable skills versus technical skills and both.

Organizational behavior in the workplace is highly important and is essential for a positive workflow in the interrelationship of co-workers, teams and management. The idea of personable skills in the past has demonstrated an effective means of creating a pleasant environment, but it lacks to compete and complete with the bottom line of all companies. Because of the significant role that organizations play in our lives, we all share a common stake in organizational behavior.

Given the magnitude with which HRO=s ( high reliability organizations) effect our world, and given the increasingly important role of those individuals and teams who control the systems, the continued learning of the technical information that is required to maintain theses systems, outweigh the Aover emphasized@ need for a personable structure.

Businesses and industries that have a low need for technical skills usually have a high need for people with high personable skills. Within the telecommunications industry, the employee that has a constant interface with the external customer usually has a lower technical skill from those who actually perform the work. And those whom actually perform the work are the employees that produce the revenue.

Organizational behavior is important because of the need for the defined structure between co-workers and management. Personable skills are functional only as a social medium and has no definable value other than making the employee feel comfortable about the work environment. It can be argued that...