
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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What is Oxygen? Oxygen is part of the air we breathe. All body tissues and organs must have oxygen to live. In people with lung disease, the oxygen supply to the body is poor.

What Does Oxygen Do? If the oxygen level of the blood is low, extra oxygen may: 路 牋牋牋牋Help prevent a strain on your heart.

路 牋牋牋牋Improve activity.

路 牋牋牋牋Decrease fatigue and depression.

路 牋牋牋牋Improve brain function.

How Do You Know if You Need Extra Oxygen? An arterial blood gas sample tells the doctor how much oxygen is in the blood and how well your lungs are working. This test differs from other blood tests. The blood is drawn from an artery not a vein. Usually the artery in the wrist is used to obtain the blood specimen. Arterial blood comes directly from the lungs. The doctor uses this test to determine if your blood is being properly oxygenated.

If your blood is not being properly being oxygenated, the doctor may provide extra oxygen.

Facts about Oxygen.

Oxygen is medicine. It should only be used according to your doctor's orders.

If the doctor puts you on home oxygen, it may be for the rest of your life. Oxygen is not "榓ddicting'. Lung tissue does not grow back, so you cannot expect your condition to improve enough to discontinue the use of oxygen. As long as your lungs are not delivering enough oxygen, you will have to help them.

Be sure to use the oxygen only as the doctor has ordered, as oxygen overdose is very dangerous. If you find you need to use oxygen more hours of the day than ordered, tell your doctor.

Oxygen is always delivered by liter flow or percentage. Always use your oxygen at the prescribed flow or percentage rate.

If used properly,