Essay by professordebCollege, Undergraduate May 2008

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Some women develop forms of depression after childbirth. Postpartum Depression (PPD) can occur gradually or instantaneously after childbirth within the first year. New mothers may experience symptoms such as trouble concentrating, anxiety, melancholy, lack of energy, and feelings of guilt and worthlessness. Postpartum depression often affects a woman's well-being and keeps her from functioning well for a longer period. PPD is a serious mental disorder and requires treatment by a doctor. Counseling, support groups, and medicines are therapies that can help. Research shows (Reichard,2007) PPD is a serious and disabling condition that affects approximately 1 in 7 new mothers resulting in about 800,000 new cases each year. Of the new postpartum cases expected to be diagnosed this year, fewer than 15 % of mothers will receive treatment. However, research has proven that with treatment, more than 90 % of these mothers could overcome their depression and lead healthy lives.

The following are observable signs of postpartum depression.

During pregnancy, these factors may be associated with PPD (Twose, 2008):•Depression caused by substance abuse•Mental illness among family members•Non-supportive husband, significant other, family and friends•Anxiety about the fetus•Difficulty with previous pregnancy or birth•Living arrangements and financial problems, low socioeconomic status•Young age/ adolescent motherhood•Exposure to toxins; crowding; air pollution; poor diet;How to Cope with Postpartum DepressionThe good news is that PPD can be effectively prevented and treated. In Montreal Canada, mother-to-mother support groups are used as a high-quality method to treat postpartum depression (Johnson, 2008). According to Dr. Dennis of the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing at the University of Toronto, "Meta-analyses and predictive studies have clearly suggested the importance of psychosocial variables in the development of postpartum depression," (Johnson, 2008, p. 20). New mothers, having other mothers to talk with about feelings and childbearing issues help to relieve the feeling of...