Pathological lying

Essay by *kelster*High School, 10th gradeA+, April 2006

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Lying, and Pathological Lying, What's the Difference?

Pathological lying: Pathological lying is deceit or deception which is entirely unreasonable, with no gain or payback in return. People lie usually to get out of doing something or to avoid punishment the lie is intended; a pathological liar may not even know that he has told a lie. This lying hardly, if at all, centers on a distinct event, even if evident in very few cases for a short time, it displays itself most often by far over a number of years, or in some cases even a life time. The pathological liar's stories tend to be very dramatic. They often describe the person as being intelligent, confident, more attractive, or more impressive than the person really is.

Pathological liars are almost evenly divided between males and females; they are most often of usual intelligence and have much greater than average verbal skills.

They often work with convincing facts, decorating and enhancing them here and there.

The pathological liar can not clearly be stated insane upon detection. Though Pathological lying can also be called mythomania or pseudologia fantastica which are/or similar to a personality disorders. Most cases are not severe enough to be put into these categories. It is extremely hard to recover from pseudologia fantastica, it takes much counseling and hard work but even then the disorder will probably never go away completely.

The typical person reveals significant physical characteristics when telling a lie. Their eye connection is poor and their eyes tend to dart back and forth from one place to another. Their facial expressions are indicative of emotions of self-doubt and panic They blink their eyes and shuffle around their body position more regularly, stammer or talk in a slightly higher and much quicker voice when they...