
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate September 2001

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ESSAY The rivers of ancient civilizations were the main carriers of life to the people. The rivers gave the people a surplus amount of food and enough water to keep the civilizations growing. The Egyptians utilized the Nile in many ways. They used the water to irrigate their crops, and they used the papyrus that grew in the fertile soil beds at the mouth of the Nile for practicing their new form of communication called heiroglyphics. The Nile made technological advances easier for the Egyptians.

The Pheonicians; however, utilized their rivers in a whole different way. They used them as a way of transportation. This was very important to the civilization. This made the resources that the Pheonicians had become known and used throughout the civilizations such as Sumer and Babylon. This was called cultural diffusion. Rivers allowed civilizations to go to other civilizations and share ideas. When the ideas were shared, the people could use the ideas they needed to make the civilizations more advanced.

This led to better living systems and better ways to grow crops. This led to bigger communities.

The rivers of ancient times were the most important resource the people had. They produced everything from water to writing utensils. The people of ancient times couldn't have survived without the rivers; this is why the people moved toward them to live and why the lives of the people revolved around the rivers. If the rivers weren't there, history could be totally different. We might not have all of the things that we have today if the people didn't use the rivers the way that they did.

Rivers in ancient times carried life. They were by far, the most important resource people used to survive.