Report on Australia's declining birth rates.

Essay by alexstoreyHigh School, 10th gradeA+, November 2003

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Report on Australian decreasing birth rate.

What is the issue?

The decrease of fertility rates as a result of changing attitudes in society. With low birthrates and an ageing community, our country is faced with a population crisis.

Where is the focus of the issue, in spatial dimensions? Why is an issue in this area? Or is this a global issue?

This decline in babies being born is effecting the population worldwide. Italy and Spain have the lowest fertility rates of 1.2 babies per woman. However the numbers in Australia are close behind with our 1999 fertility rate of only 1.75 babies per woman making us one of the lowest in the world and well below average. These low figures in Australia have been attributed to the changing 'Australian Woman'. This woman often chooses to delay the role of mothering until she is over 35, if ever, due to her place in the labor force.

Also the role of the contraceptive pill, abortion and single parent homes have had a significant impact on the fertility rates in Australia.

How has this issue changed/developed over time?

For the first ten years of the 20th century the Australian fertility rate was between 3.7 and 4.0 babies per woman. When this is compared to the current fertility rate of 1.75 it is evident that the increase within a 100-year span is drastic. The first major drop in fertility rates occurred between 1907 and 1934, when by the end of the Great Depression the number of babies per woman had dropped to 2.1. This number later increased in the late 1930's as woman who had opted not to bear children during the depression decided the time was right. Fertility rose during World War Two and peaked in 1961 when the fertility rate reached...