The role and contibution of William Lloyd Garrison in the campaign against slavery in the USA in the 19th century.

Essay by maxludoHigh School, 12th gradeA-, March 2004

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William Lloyd Garrison played a pivotal role in the abolition of slavery during the 19th century. This was largely through the formation of his own newspaper the Liberator as well as the establishment of the American Anti-Slavery Society which both informed and persuaded the American public that slavery was morally wrong. Garrison's ideas later became quite radical and he gained even more attention from the public. However, his views were not always accepted and Garrison became very unpopular with some groups. His view of the Civil War was positive; he believed it would bring about the abolition of slavery and therefore gave full support to Abraham Lincoln. Garrison's efforts served to shape America's stance on slavery very early on, he spoke out against human injustice and mistreatment and led all Americans towards a better future.

William Lloyd Garrison was born in Massachusetts in 1805 and with a love of writing and literature became editor of the Newbury Herald in 1824.

In 1828 he became editor of the National Philanthropist in Boston where he discovered his passion for fighting against slavery. In 1829 he became co-editor of the Genius of Universal Emancipation. Garrison's articles were always of a heated and extreme nature and he was jailed at one time for the defamation of a slave trader's name. Upon release, he left the Genius to start his own newspaper in Boston; this became the turning point in Garrison's career where as an upcoming writer he was able to capture America's attention with his arguments for the immediate abolition of slavery.

Garrisons new paper, The Liberator instantly gained attention with its radically uncompromising views. The paper's motto "Our country is the world - our countrymen are mankind" symbolised his view on slaves and slavery in the South. The central theme of the...