Through this report a discussion of the elements of The Lost World by Michael Crichton will be explored. A further explanation of how these elem...

Essay by dpwood44High School, 12th gradeA, May 2004

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The Lost World

Through this report a discussion of the elements of The Lost World by Michael Crichton will be explored. A further explanation of how these elements combine to create a good or bad novel will be explored. The Lost World takes place six years after the incident on Isla Nublar, Costa Rica,(Jurassic Park)and only carries one of the characters over to the sequel, which is Ian Malcom. InGen, the company which had been breeding live dinosaurs had gone bankrupt immediately after the incident, and disappeared, along with any evidence of them ever being on Isla Nublar. All of the personnel involved with this expedition were not answering any questions, or they had mysteriously disappeared. Search parties had covered the whole island, along with the surrounding islands, and found nothing. Aberrant forms of extremely large reptiles had been washing up on the shores of various Costa Rican islands, and word was getting out to the public, most of who became very concerned about their health.

The government would incinerate them on the spot immediately so nobody knew if they were really reptiles. Until Richard Levine got word of one of them which they had not heard of yet. Being as obsessed as he was he reached the site and collected a sample of flesh just as the troops burnt the form to ashes. Finding that it was most probable to assume the form was a species of dinosaur, he linked it to the InGen corporation incident a few years ago. He had been awaiting this moment for years, he was extremely well prepared; two trailers incredibly strong, with many features required for researching dinosaurs and their environment. But first he had to find the only island with dinosaurs remaining: a lost world. Collecting information, he discovered...