VSA 1000 Introduction to Visual Culture

Essay by linlinhyuk September 2004

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Question 12: How does television construct an illusion of reality? Discuss this question in relation to a programme of your choice (you may want to refer to notions of liveness, flow or seriality).

Table of Contents:

Content: Page:

1. Introduction 2

2. The relation between reality and illusion: 2

2.1 The "reality" TV brings to us 2

2.2 Television constructs illusion of realities 4

4. Relate to film "Run Lola Run" 4

5. Conclusion 6

1. Introduction:

The world we inhabit now is all of visual images, which are focus on the ways we represent, make communicate on the world around us. The visual way of our culture is increasing every day. Over the course of the last two centuries, Western culture has come to be dominated by visual rather than oral or textual media. As Sturken and Cartwright note:

"Hearing and touching are important means of experience and communication, but our values, opinions, and beliefs have increasingly come to be shaped in powerful ways by the many forms of visual culture that we encounter in our day-to-day lives".

(Sturken & Cartwright, 2001, p. 1)1

For example, television is a medium of "unmediated spontaneity" (Sconce, Jeffrey, 2000, pp: 173)2, and also a visual and sound-based medium, it has come to play the central role of our daily life. Television is a certain myth of the medium which lasting the longest.

Television attracts most of people because the flow of visual, the wonderful effect of soundtrack and it could help us to construct the illusions of realities, make us see how the imagine of ourselves become true.

The film "Run Lola Run" has clearly showed us how television constructs an illusion of reality. And the stunning effect of the vision and sound.

2. The relation between reality...