Essays Tagged: "amount of homework"

Too Much Homework

hools encourage students to play sports and become active in activities, then they should lower the amount of homework they have so it gives them a chance to receive good grades and at the same time p ... here full potential because of the lack of sleep they got the night before.As you can see the large amount of homework affects students in more then one way and it should be lowered so they can actual ...

(1 pages) 1215 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

Buzz! The sound of the junior high’s dilapidated old school

ore school started. I was an eighth grader in geometry, and I knew that there would be a tremendous amount of homework. "If only I had something fun to do to get my mind off schoolwork midday," ...

(5 pages) 1183 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Persuasive Essay- Why Less Homework Should be Assigned

material better. However, too much homework is not helpful, and can be counterproductive. Excessive amounts of time spent on completing homework can take away from a kid's social life, family time, an ... from a kid's social life, family time, and limits participation in sports or other activities. The amount of homework a teacher can give to a student should be restricted, and only assigned due to ne ...

(4 pages) 64266 6 4.9 Mar/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education


omework, the hours and minutes seem to fly out the window. Tick toc tick toc! Eventually my endless amount of homework ends and my time for sleep has come. It seems like only 10 minutes have passed, b ...

(3 pages) 14 0 5.0 Nov/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing