Essays Tagged: "Asian cuisine"

Returning Veterans

35-54yrs-29.7% 55-64yrs-26.3%65-74yrs-15.6% 75+ 19.7%White- 62.5% Black-33.1% Native American - .3%Asian- .4% Other-2.2% Hispanic- 6%Medium income for 18yrs + $23,687 Males: 23,575 Females: $26,111Le ... veterans are under the age of 25 or younger.Race: 85% of veterans are white, 9% are black, .3% are Asian, and 4.5% are Spanish or Latino.Socio-Economics: 17.4% of veteran's families income is under $ ...

(2 pages) 3 0 0.0 Nov/2014

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues