Essays Tagged: "compare and contrast"

Depictions of death: Beautiful and Heroic. "Laocoon and His Two Sons" by Hagesandros vs. "Fall of the Damned" by Peter Paul Rubens

In this paper I will compare and contrast two pieces of art work that are religious in nature. Through these pieces, I wi ...

(4 pages) 100 0 5.0 Dec/1996

Subjects: Art Essays

Compare and contrast the views of Oedipus and Queen Iocaste as to the validity of uncontrollable fate, and oracles being able to see the future.

In this paper I will present an interpretation of the Play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. 'Compare and contrast the views of Oedipus and Queen Iocaste as to the validity of uncontrollable fat ...

(6 pages) 171 0 4.3 Jan/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature

Comparison of "Daughters of Akhenaten" (1379 - 1362 B.C.), "Dionysus in a Sailboat" (C. 540 B.C) and "Frieze In The Villa of The Mysteries" (C. 50 B.C.) - Roman, Egyptian

assess each culture, works from each period must be explored thoroughly. For this I have chosen to compare and contrast three works from these eras: Daughters of Akhenaten (1379 - 1362 B.C.) from the ... Amarna period within Egyptian art. This period had much different conventions and formal qualities compared to typical Egyptian art. Earlier Egyptian art, which was dictated by the Pharaoh, centered ...

(6 pages) 110 0 3.3 Nov/1996

Subjects: Art Essays

Hinduism & Buddhism

this paper I will show you the basic structure of each religion. I would also like to show how they compare and contrast. Hinduism: Foundation No one is completely sure of where Hinduism was started ...

(10 pages) 873 1 4.7 Nov/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith > Hinduism

This essay is comparing and contraasting two stories. "The Day of the Last Rock Fight" and "Dead Poets Society"

COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY The two stories "Dead Poets Society" and "Day of the Last Rock Fig ... and differences in "Dead Poets Society" and "Day of the LastRock Fight". The two stories were just compared as a cow and a horse could be compared. Thetwo stories were very similar yet at the same ti ...

(2 pages) 59 1 3.8 Mar/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Comparing and Contrasting Aunt Ida with Christing in A Yellow Raft in Blue Water by Michael Dorris

Compare and ContrastIn A Yellow Raft in Blue Water By Michael Dorris the differences and similaritie ... This quote also shows how Aunt Ida is characterized; smart but not wanting Willard too feel stupid compared too her intelligence. It also reveals one of the events that make her so bitter toward the ...

(3 pages) 73 0 3.4 Apr/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

this is a compare/ contrast style essay on Albrecht Durer vs Brett Whiteley

In this paper I will compare and contrast the work of two well-known and quite contrasting artists that stand out in thei ... g of the figure in their art. While searching for two artists that would be not only interesting to compare and contrast, but in doing so, further my understanding of the relationship between the arti ... as stimulated and influenced to develop his unique style.While looking for two specific artworks to compare and contrast, I first found Durer's widely familiar work 'Hands of an Apostle' or 'The Prayi ...

(5 pages) 192 0 4.1 Apr/2002

Subjects: Art Essays > Artists

Animal Farm By George Orwell, A Compare and Contrast of Napoleon and Snowball.

Animal Farm Compare and ContrastNapoleon and Snowball, from the book Animal Farm by George Orwell, share many si ... from the book Animal Farm by George Orwell, share many similar and different character traits when compared together. While Napoleon maybe cheating at cards, Snowball is hard at work developing a pla ... is working away on the windmill or Napoleon is killing animals that opposed him, the two characters compare and contrast very well. Both characters work very hard... in different ways that is. And fin ...

(4 pages) 27004 0 3.0 Apr/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Love In the 1990s

understanding Sociology and the Social Sciences in general is to evaluate subjects through time and compare and contrast characteristics that have changed and those that have remained the same. For th ... ast. My goal is to show how love has changed. I hope to show what is accepted in our society today, compared with only several decades ago.Application My sources run the gamut of ideas in the s ...

(5 pages) 119 0 3.3 Feb/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sex & Sexuality

A personal opinionated essay on 'The Jade Peony' by Wayson Choy, 'Horses of the Night' by Margaret Laurence, and 'The Masqe of the Red Death.' by Edgar Allen Poe

ive the most important part of writing is making it fluent and easyto read. The three storys I will compare and contrast are: 'The Jade Peony','Horses of the Night', and 'The Masqe of the Red Death.' ...

(2 pages) 84 0 3.2 Dec/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Compares Mark Twain's "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn"

Questions1. Compare and Contrast Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.Although Tom and Hucklberry Finn have many thin ...

(3 pages) 117 0 5.0 Jan/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Authors > Mark Twain

Imagery In "Jane Eyre" by Bronte

and Moor House for this is where she met the two most important men in her life. The easiest way to compare and contrast Rochester and St. John Rivers is by examining when and under what circumstances ... g point about the characters and about Brontes writing style. In this example a metaphor is used to compare Janes intense happiness and simultaneous confusion with the tossing and uncertain voyage of ...

(6 pages) 121 2 3.8 Mar/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Sweeden vs. Finland This essay compares the Economic Characteristics of these two countrys which means it tell how they earn and spend money and all sinilartys and differences of the two

Sweden vs. FinlandComparing Economic CharacteristicsIn this essay I'm going to compare and contrast Sweden and Finland's economic characteristics. Compare means to show all the si ...

(4 pages) 77 0 4.4 May/2002

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Sweeden vs. Finland This essay shows the differences and the similaritys of Sweeden and Finland it tells how they earn and spend money and all economic characteristics.

Sweden vs. FinlandComparing Economic CharacteristicsIn this essay I'm going to compare and contrast Sweden and Finland's economic characteristics. Compare means to show all the si ...

(4 pages) 81 1 4.4 May/2002

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Differences in education systems

hool in my country and never get a chance to attend college in there. In this essay I would like to compare and contrast the differences between my high school education system and US education system ...

(3 pages) 204 0 5.0 Jan/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

Comparison of Political Machines and the Reform Movement

This paper compared the roles of these two organizations in public policy and opinion Well writtenCompare and c ...

(2 pages) 101 0 3.0 Jul/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

Dylan Thomas/Robert Frost:

s about Dylan Thomas and Robert Frost. It gives a discussion on the background of the two poets and compares and contrasts the styles of writing of the two poets.Dylan Thomas/ Robert Frost:Many poets ... ts have lived and vivid styles of languages have contributed to their poems, which makes it easy to compare and contrast the two. As you will see, the poetry by Robert Frost takes on a more traditiona ...

(8 pages) 274 2 4.8 Jun/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Contrast of two upper class females

The intent of this paper is to compare and contrast the ways in which the identities, aspirations, and achievements of two upper cl ...

(4 pages) 104 0 4.0 Apr/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Theoretical Frameworks

her sets of facts. The importance of these frameworks helps people gather important information and compare and contrast their different strengths and weaknesses.The first traditional and most dominan ...

(4 pages) 145 0 3.0 Feb/1997

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

A comparison of two major Baroque composers: Claudio Monteverdi and Domenico Scarlatti (turabian format)

by Claudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi (1567-1643) and Giovanni Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) and compare and contrast the two pieces to find out how music changed throughout the Baroque period. Whi ... m Monteverdi, since Monteverdi's ideas did become popular, so it may have been a bad idea to try to compare the two composers. Originally, the thought was that the composers would not be so much alike ...

(4 pages) 120 0 3.9 Oct/2002

Subjects: Art Essays > Music History & Studies