Essays Tagged: "Consent"

Consent and It's Place in SM Sex

le, despite her stating 'refrigerator,' her 'safe' word. . .Carrie's example shows us how important consent is in SM, or rather sado-masochism sex play. The most obvious reason consent is important in ... s the risk of injury and the potential for unwanted danger is avoided. In addition, with understood consent, trust is developed, making the experience more enjoyable to the participants. Reasons for n ...

(6 pages) 42 1 3.0 Nov/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sex & Sexuality

Observational research VS. Focus groups.......This essay focuses on observational research.

ional research there are several drawbacks. With observational research people may be taped without consent, which could be considered unethical. To avoid this, consent forms could be forced, which co ... the public eye.To overcome these drawbacks in observational research, researchers could enforce the consent forms and take the chance of participants "sugarcoating" their experiences, observe first th ...

(1 pages) 46 0 3.7 Sep/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management


Rape, unlawful sexual intercourse, achieved through force and without consent. There are many different types of rape. Forcible rape, unlawful sexual intercourse with a f ... rape, unlawful sexual intercourse with a female by force and against her will, or without her legal consent. Date rape, unlawful sexual intercourse that occurs in the context of the dating relationshi ...

(2 pages) 1300 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Nurse Accountability – Consent for Catheterisation, Professional Law and Ethics.

attempts the catheter was in place. This was a procedure that was carried out without the patient's consent.Based on a case actually experienced by the author, this assignment considers how the concep ... on a case actually experienced by the author, this assignment considers how the concept of informed consent is articulated in nursing care, by exploring the legal, ethical and professional issues surr ...

(15 pages) 83 0 5.0 Feb/2010

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Accountable Practitioner - Consent; and Application to Practice - Dementia and ability to give informed consent.

t the scenarios of Pamela and Eddie. From the Pamela scenario our group queried her ability to give consent when she was in a confused and agitated state. Even though consent may have been gained prio ... e scenario and therefore I believe these changes should have been discussed with Pamela and further consent should have been gained. So the concern that I have raised I have decided to base my assignm ...

(15 pages) 69 0 3.0 Feb/2010

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law > Issues