Essays Tagged: "Dicken"

Charles Dickens

Dickens, Charles John Huffam (1812-1870), English novelist and one of the most popular writers in th ... st and one of the most popular writers in the history of literature. In his enormous body of works, Dickens combined masterly storytelling, humor, pathos, and irony with sharp social criticism and acu ... rony with sharp social criticism and acute observation of people and places, both real and imagined.Dickens was born February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth and spent most of his childhood in London and Kent, ...

(3 pages) 76 0 3.6 Feb/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens

A Classic Comparison between Thomas Hardy's "The Return of the Native" and Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations"

hese underlying ideas. Victorian novels such as Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native and Charles Dickens' Great Expectations are examples of literary classics that have universal themes. Hardy's ta ... his characters lives. Through the story we encounter events of pure coincidence and their effects. Dickens, considered to be more of a reformer (Literature Online), tries to portray a social theme in ...

(5 pages) 75 0 4.4 Dec/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Essay on 'A Christmas Carol,' and 'Through the Tunnel.'

unnel,' contrast each other in different ways but are surprisingly similar in others. The fact that Dickens wrote in the Victorian times and Lessing produced a post 19th Century novel is reflected in ... ctorian times and Lessing produced a post 19th Century novel is reflected in their style of writing.Dickens's father was constantly in debt, which caused the family to escape from people who they owed ...

(11 pages) 61 0 4.5 Mar/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens

"Hard Times" by Dickens.

usband's system of Fact yet unable to live or appreciate it. Minor characters in Hard Times support Dickens' overall perception of class as personified by the leading figures.In the novel, Rachael exe ... n Tom and his extravagances. Meanwhile, Rachael also compliments the nobility of Stephan Blackpool. Dickens does not present Rachael's perspective in novel, instead presenting her character through th ...

(3 pages) 47 0 5.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

"In little Dorrit Dickens achieves his most striking effects through symbol and image; the plot is of secondary importance." Examine this view of the novel.

t, as I believe that both the plot and symbol and image rely on each other to create the story that Dickens wants to convey. Dickens' plot is deliberate and therefore entirely necessary to portray the ... doesn't lose her selfless nature though the rest of her family impose their money on many occasions.Dickens doesn't write in allegories, so it is important not to try to find a sub meaning for every o ...

(3 pages) 14 0 3.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens

A character sketch of Tellson's Bank in A Tale of Two Cities

Alice TapsikovaA Character sketch of Tellson's BankIn A Tale of Two Cities Dickens describes Tellson's Bank using thehumor and satire. The Tellson's Bank, a type, which actual ... ing thehumor and satire. The Tellson's Bank, a type, which actually existedin 1780, is described by Dickens as "an old fashioned, boastful, small, darkand ugly place with musty odour"(p.51). His derog ... nconvenience." (p.51) to support hiscritical ideas against the ignorance of a progress.Using satire Dicken's relieved otherwise hard and very seriousstory by propagation of new 'revolutionary' thinkin ...

(1 pages) 23 0 5.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Executions as a theme throughout A Tale of Two Cities

ExecutionsIn Charles Dickens' novel, A Tale of Two Cities, death is a common occurrence. These deaths were usually not du ... nful ones that occurred 100 times more often than life was given.In the first chapter of his novel, Dickens depicts executions as gruesome sources of entertainment for nobles:"....she entertained hers ... possibly could, to set the example that they will not put up with being reigned over.The executions Dickens put into A Tale of Two Cities were not for the purpose of painting pictures of blood and gor ...

(3 pages) 54 0 3.7 Feb/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens

Charleston Dickens, Hard Times - Contrasting Philosophies of Mr. Sleary and Mr. Gradgrind

ation and adds a sense of connection. In order to create a structured, well-balanced novel, Charles Dickens provides characters who encompass widely varying ideals; however, this discontinuity results ... s discontinuity results in an energetic and strong story. Perhaps the most dissimilar characters in Dickens's Hard Times are Thomas Gradgrind and Mr. Sleary. Thomas Gradgrind thinks of himself as an " ...

(4 pages) 48 0 4.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens

Dickens' portrayal of the family in David Copperfield

Dickens' portrayal of the family in David Copperfield is an interesting one; almost none of the char ... ragility of the family, and the importance of forming other bonds of friendship and responsibility. Dickens came from a large, poor family and argues that family is not to be solely relied upon; also, ... o orphans, and himself a "bacheldore" (31). This type of family arrangement would have been rare in Dickens' nineteenth century. But, nevertheless Dickens shows that when a family is one filled with s ...

(4 pages) 18 0 5.0 Dec/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Discuss the presentation of the character Uriah Heep in the novel, David Copperfield. How does Dickens make him an unsympathetic character?

The Novel, David Copperfield was written in 1849 by Charles Dickens. The era in which this was written in also seen the beginning of the industrial revolution. ... ence of the middle class.There are also other details included in the novel that were first seen in Dickens' time such as depting prison was a common punishment introduced to the penal system. This is ... al system around this era was the deportation of criminals to Australia; this was also mentioned in Dickens' novel.Many believe that David Copperfield is the closest thing to Dickens' autobiography be ...

(6 pages) 16 0 3.0 Jan/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

A Christmas Carol

reign brought on change in government which in later years brought improvements to London. Charles Dickens, a novelist from the Victorian period, wanted to make the world a better place through he wr ... led to the poverty and diseases in London.Poverty was something that the Victorian age and Charles Dickens had in common. The first eleven years of Charles Dickens' life were fairly typical. When Dic ...

(3 pages) 37 1 2.3 Mar/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

The Coming of the Railway" from Dombey and Son

Dickens' piece "The Coming of the Railway" from Dombey and Son was very powerful inillustrating the ... ff by describing the emergence of a new railroad inthe city, with creates some interesting visuals. Dickens writes "here, a chaos of carts,overthrown and jumbled together, lay topsy-turvy at the botto ... nged, and the chaos of technology is seen in the ever-changinglandscape of the city as described by Dickens. Buildings reaching toward the sky,bridges that span rivers for no reason, whatever else tec ...

(3 pages) 15 0 0.0 Apr/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist"

of the cruelty that children and poor people suffered at the hands of 19th century society. It was Dickens first novel written under his own name when he was 24 years old and in it he already reveals ... ure, along with his weakness and innocence, earn him the pity and love of the good people he meets. Dicken's choice of Oliver's name is very revealing, because the boy's story is full of "twists" and ...

(3 pages) 12 1 4.0 Dec/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens


There are many Internet web sites dedicated to the study of Charles Dickens. Some sites offer many links and useful information, while other sites tend to be general in ... eral in substance. This paper will review a few of these sites. The first website on Charles Dickens that I went to was Ritva Raesmaas. She is a librarian who probably published this website be ... n the other links. For instance, there are more than 50 links on this site covering every aspect of Dickens' life and work. The text is written very well and a lot of information that goes into very s ...

(3 pages) 1192 0 0.0 Jun/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens

Great expectatons

hildren as being lesser human being than their elders and having thoughts irrelevant to society. In Dicken's "Great Expectations" it is evident that the adults of that era do not wish to hear anything ... because of age. Although through her own naivete, Mrs. Joe becomes a somewhat fair character Dickens's writes about a dinner party being held at Mrs. Joe's house(chapter 4) where Pip says "I wa ...

(1 pages) 1333 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens

Hard Times by Dickens, Structu

Hard Times by Dickens, Structure as it Relates to Plot and Characterixation Charles Dickens presents in his novel ... ens presents in his novel a specific structure to expose the evils and abuses of the Victorian Era. Dickens' use of plot and characterization relate directly to the structure on account that it shows ... s are an allusion to the Bible.In the first book, titled "Sowing, " we are introduced to those that Dickens creates a firm character basis with. The opening chapter emphasizes on Thomas Gradgrind Sr., ...

(3 pages) 27 0 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens

Great expectatons

hildren as being lesser human being than their elders and having thoughts irrelevant to society. In Dicken's "Great Expectations" it is evident that the adults of that era do not wish to hear anything ... because of age. Although through her own naivete, Mrs. Joe becomes a somewhat fair character Dickens's writes about a dinner party being held at Mrs. Joe's house(chapter 4) where Pip says "I wa ...

(1 pages) 910 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens

Hard Times

Hard Times by Dickens, Structure as it Relates to Plot and Characterixation Charles Dickens presents in his novel ... ens presents in his novel a specific structure to expose the evils and abuses of the Victorian Era. Dickens' use of plot and characterization relate directly to the structure on account that it shows ... s are an allusion to the Bible.In the first book, titled "Sowing, " we are introduced to those that Dickens creates a firm character basis with. The opening chapter emphasizes on Thomas Gradgrind Sr., ...

(3 pages) 6 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens is a man born in land port, Portsmouth England. Parents named John Dickens and Elizabeth Dic ... k also a life long love affair with his public; that is what made him a great writer.During Charles Dickens childhood it wasn’t so great because he grew up without a father till twelve. Later the ... ine Hogarth .He was also raised in London which was the largest most spectacular city in the world. Dickens would walk the city streets, 10 or 20 miles at a time, which his descriptions allow readers ...

(2 pages) 1249 1 1.0 Dec/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Charles Dickens

Charles DickensCharles Dickens is one of the most gifted literary minds to come out of the 1800s. His entire ... e has over fifteen novels, numerous stories and travel books to his name, along with many poems too.Dickens was the second of eight children, born to John and Elizabeth Dickens, in 1812, in Port Sea. ... d Curiosity Shop. It also started a chain reaction which ended in most of the great works penned by Dickens that we know of today. Dickens was known as the "gothic poet-in-prose" of London (Cunningham ...

(3 pages) 11 0 0.0 Jun/2010

Subjects: Literature Research Papers