Essays Tagged: "Global warming"

Fossil Fuels

tively inexpensive and seem to be doing the trick right now. Using fossil fuelsarise such issues as global warming, rising costs of scarce resources, and shortages of rawmaterials. None of these probl ...

(2 pages) 150 0 4.3 Jan/1997

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Class Journal on Global Warming

In my opinion, global warming is one of the most devastating environmental problems we as human beings have created ... e toughest part of this is solving the dilemma. It seems that many people do not take the threat of global warming seriously and consequently do not do anything to change the way they are treating the ... the Earth will warm, the oceans will rise and the weather will change. But each one of us will feel global warming's effects, if in different ways. It will hit us all where we live." 1Global warming i ...

(3 pages) 190 0 4.5 Mar/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

What do print journalist and electronic journalists share in common? What distinctive differences are their between print and electronic journalist.

dles. The media are preparing us for another onslaught of hype.Media hype, sports hype, movie hype, global warming hype,nuclear bomb hype, it's coming at us from all directions, and most of the hoopla ...

(4 pages) 139 0 4.6 Mar/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Communication Studies > The Media

Essay on the environment: looks specifically at deforestation issues and how to remedy the situation

us consequence of over producing paper is deforestation for raw materials. Deforestation results in global warming, and serious soil erosion. Sites in the Amazon Rainforest are currently being deplete ... of the rainforest. With an increase in deforestation, there seems to have also been an increase in global warming as well as other global problems in the past several years.Figure 1 - Reproduced from ...

(10 pages) 341 1 4.9 Apr/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Forestry

Global Warming

Global warming is one of the most hotly debated topics on earth. It's a situation where earth tends ... ydroelectric power. Rain also helps to cool the land once the sun has over heated it. Thus reducing global warming.Mainly, humans themselves cause global warming. Rapid increase in population led to t ... oduction. Disease like Malaria will also increase given that mosquitoes prefer warm grounds. Rising global temperatures are expected to raise sea level, change precipitation and other local climate co ...

(2 pages) 284 2 4.5 Apr/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues

Global Warming. 5 pages. Causes, effects, and possible solutions, such as: the kyoto treaty, "sinks", and hemp.

h many people may not agree that this problem exists, the world population needs to act now against global warming or the earth will continue to suffer from harsh environmental changes. So how do the ... of fossil fuels, sprayed harmful chemicals, and torn down forests; this has all contributed to the global warming problem. The fuels burned to heat homes and businesses, run cars, and power factories ...

(4 pages) 352 0 4.3 May/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Earth Sciences

Wind Power by, Yang

ping down the few remaining years of cheap natural gas and crude oil. As we do this, the inertia of global warming are quickly building.THE HISTORY OF WIND POWERThe history of wind power shows a gener ...

(4 pages) 155 1 3.8 Aug/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

The Greenhouse Effect

t. What is the greenhouse effect, what causes it, and what can be done to control it?The problem of global warming has been around for some time now. Though not until recently has it become a priority ...

(4 pages) 255 0 4.6 Jan/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Global Warming and Human Population

p between human activities and climate, particularly the recent observations and the predictions of global warming, beginning with the alarm sounded by W. Broecker (1975).The relationships among human ... g with the alarm sounded by W. Broecker (1975).The relationships among humans, their activities and global temperature can be assessed by making the appropriate measurements and analyzing the data in ...

(11 pages) 382 2 4.0 Dec/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

"Could the Greenhouse Effect Cause More Damage?"

re about three feet long each. This is supposed to simulatewhat many see as the coming apocalypse. (global warming) 'By 2050, if wedecide to load trace gasses - mainly carbon dioxide - into the atmosp ... aster from happening.In three years, Harte and other researchers will be able to tellwhether or not Global Warming will be the next apocalypse. This apparentlyis a serious issue to many environmentali ...

(2 pages) 73 0 3.8 Jan/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

The Economics of Clean Air

ations, but the lack of opportunity such regulations and deregulations provide for other companies. Global warming has increased the tension over the economics of cleaner air, but with little the gove ... power plants and other human resources in an attempt to thwart or at least slow down the effects of global warming, has met with angry responses from the domestic oil, coal, and utilities industry. Th ...

(5 pages) 143 0 3.0 Feb/1997

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics

It is called Global Hoax? A realistic view of global warming.

not embedded with non-factual giberish, instead it is a look at hard facts for and against fear of global warming.According to the National Academy of Sciences, the Earth's surface temperature has ri ... ut there that blame polluters for everything from their sore feet to the holocaust. The Sierra Club Global Warming Campaign even went so far as to tell homeowners to stop using there refrigerators, be ...

(3 pages) 173 1 3.8 Nov/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

General Global Warming 2

Global WarmingGlobal warming occurs when the levels of greenhouse gasses rise and less infrared ligh ... ations in the percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide will likely have a significant effect on the global temperature. The percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide has risen over the past century at ... ltural values have shifted far from our perception of our dependence upon the health of ecosystems. Global warming is a crisis of human perception in competition with natural cycles, which we have ign ...

(3 pages) 107 0 4.5 Dec/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

"Putting Global Warming on Ice" Essay disproving global warming myth using scientific evidence.

Putting Global Warming on IceWhat makes the earth's temperature rise and fall? Do greenhouse gases block sol ... ar activity? Many people have theorized on what causes temperatures to change. A catch phrase named Global Warming came to popularity. Environmentalists from all walks of life joined the 'global warmi ... talists from all walks of life joined the 'global warming' fight. According to Thomas O'Connell the global warming debate wasn't accepted in the 60's and 70's when he studied it. It only became popula ...

(9 pages) 494 4 4.9 Jan/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

The world 100 years from now

2 main factors which would have contributed to this situation would be the raising temperatures I.E global warming and UV radiation. Because of this enormous change in lifestyle which had to take plac ...

(2 pages) 115 1 3.7 Feb/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays

The Kyoto Protocol

A majority of scientists agree that global warming, caused by higher levels of gases that trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, could lea ... nity. I agree that the bill should be motivated so that U.S. can retain the option of rejoining the global community in the Kyoto Protocol. Moreover, I believe that the broader and more dynamic a glob ...

(2 pages) 123 0 4.0 Mar/2003

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

A short essay on the Impacts of Tourism on the Environment.

ion of electricity, another important tourist need, are linked to acid rain, chemical pollution and global warming. They contribute to severe air pollution, not only in cities but in natural environme ...

(3 pages) 41176 4 4.5 Mar/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Global Warming

's surface is more than we need. So, the earth has become warmer than it used to be. This is called global warming. Global warming is also called enhanced greenhouse effect because of the malfunction ... ange. This is all happening because of human activities. Human activities that cause this disaster, global warming, are the ones, which do not respect the earth's environmental needs, for example that ...

(9 pages) 512 3 4.6 Apr/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Atmospheric Sciences

The Ozone Layer: What Does It Do And What Happens When It's Gone?

re have also been many debates concerning the relationship between the ozone layer and the onset of global warming. Before solutions can be developed, however, what the ozone layer actually does and w ... o popular belief, ozone is actually a greenhouse gas and the loss of it would actually decrease the global warming effect on Earth instead of increasing it (Introduction). Ozone in the stratosphere is ...

(5 pages) 73 0 5.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Earth Sciences > Meteorology

David Suzuki's book "From Naked Apes to Superspecies", which deals with environmental issues.

ment. Although the environment is the central theme, the book also bridges into areas of bioethics, globalization, consumerism and social/environmental activism. The book also covers the more conventi ... al activism. The book also covers the more conventional and familiar environmental topics including global warming, deforestation, water pollution and air pollution.When I first read this book, I expe ...

(3 pages) 57 0 2.6 May/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science