Essays Tagged: "obstacles"

Sexism in the Workplace

y woman hold alarge percentage of the work force in companies but hardly any seem tohave any power. Obstacles in the way of woman in careers, if womenprefer different jobs to men, equal pay for both s ... k. This isn't the only thing that stands in the way of womanwho want a career, there are many other obstacles. Society is a very powerfulinstrument, people get molded by the society they are in. It ch ...

(10 pages) 598 0 3.0 Aug/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Women's Studies

Athletic Trainers

athletic trainer seeking employment in today's job market is likely to encounter many problems and obstacles along the way. The need for higher education greatly affects the prospect for the athletic ... e location of the high school/ clinic/ university the Athletic trainer may encounter many different obstacles to overcome in the day to day running of the training office.A few of these problems are, ...

(3 pages) 75 0 4.4 Nov/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sports

Herman Melville's response to Nathaniel Hawthorne

by-Dick explores the element of tragedy and how one must pursue dreams relentlessly without letting obstacles get in the way. Hawthorne wrote in The Scarlet Letter of a woman who had to face reality a ... o accept the ignorance and lack of understanding of society, she was able to successfully avoid the obstacles she faced. Hester had a dream to find love with Dimmesdale and to raise her daughter Pearl ...

(5 pages) 99 1 5.0 Jan/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Authors


equality in the work place. Thesestruggles have not been easy by any means. Women have overcomemany obstacles in there journey into the work force, none graterthen the views of their male piers. Many ...

(5 pages) 130 1 4.8 Dec/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Women's Studies

Paralells in My Brilliant Career

lm.Paralells in My Brilliant CareerObtaining ones goals in life is not an easy task. There are many obstacles that canprohibit one from doing so. What separates the weak from the strong? The ability t ... canprohibit one from doing so. What separates the weak from the strong? The ability toovercome the obstacles and reach your goal. This was most evident in the movie, MyBriiliant Career, it is a stunn ...

(3 pages) 80 0 4.6 Feb/1997

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

Destiny,Love,and Suffering in the "Aeneid" by Virgil

er is one of the Gods working to make himfulfill his destiny. Eventually, Aeneas will overcome many obstacles and lead his people to their destined new homeland. In the same way the Promised Land is g ...

(3 pages) 115 0 3.8 Mar/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

The Hobbit, Bilbo's Journey by J.R Tolkien

hero of his fantasy world and stories will be told of him for ages to come. However, there are many obstacles that block Bilbo from completing his journey: Goblins, a creature named Gollum, wolves, an ...

(3 pages) 70 0 3.4 Nov/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

The Crime at Compiegne

dea or 'new word' that calls the 'extraordinary' man to 'allow his conscious to...step over certain obstacles' in order to fulfill this idea.Jeanne's 'new word' was that of the call of Heaven. At only ...

(3 pages) 37 0 4.0 May/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Virtues of my life

ons the present day provides, creating a difficulty of direction in my own life. I need to overcome obstacles such as peer pressure in order to become a confident, successful person. The present day p ...

(3 pages) 113 0 3.0 Aug/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

debates the womans right to abortion according to Bush and Gores opinion and personal opinion

ourself, you're bringing another one into this world. If you do decide on abortion, there are a few obstacles you must overcome. First, is gaining knowledge about abortion. For every two babies born, ...

(8 pages) 154 1 3.9 Apr/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Women's Studies

more of an in depth idea of womens rights based on gore and bush's opinions on abortion

bringing in another new life which is also beginning. If you do decide on abortion, there are a few obstacles you must overcome. First, is gaining knowledge about abortion. For every two babies born, ... bortions. Bush proposes to make juveniles who feel the need to have an abortion to go through a few obstacles. Parental notification will be issued if the person desiring an abortion is a minor (Dugan ...

(9 pages) 130 2 3.3 Apr/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Women's Studies

The boss, a crutical analysis of Katherine Mansfield's The Fly

short story, 'The Fly.' The boss is an intelligent and determined individual who has overcome many obstacles in his life. However, he is now confronted with an insurmountable barrier that he is frigh ... ult himself to the top. A business is extremely difficult to start and once started, there are many obstacles to face. The road to a successful business is a very treacherous one that leaves many peop ...

(4 pages) 111 0 3.7 Mar/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Campaign finance reform

n financing process must be amended, little action has been taken in that direction. Among the many obstacles preventing Congress from enacting significant campaign finance reform is the Supreme Court ...

(1 pages) 131 1 4.3 Apr/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

This a romance paper a story of a big love. "Drawing upon the essays listed, write an essay in which you define the "American Dream," then describe some of the obstacles to achieving it."

e essays listed, write an essay in which you define the "American Dream," then describe some of the obstacles to achieving it. How, in your opinion, might some of these obstacles be either surmounted ... extent.There is epiphany that this talked- about way of life in America is not always so easy. Many obstacles burden the paths of people trying to push through and succeed. Some of these obstacles are ...

(4 pages) 130 0 3.9 May/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

This essay has to do with Off-Road Trails all over the world for 4x4 vehicles.

Mud, Rain, Dirt, Cliffs, Hills and Rocks are just a few of the obstacles off-road racers face. There are many different types of tracks and this is what makes off- ... now covered woods, gullies filled with ice, high winds, trenches and many more possibly devastating obstacles (Baker 28-30). According to Baker there were many vehicles participating that were used as ...

(7 pages) 106 0 4.5 Sep/2002

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays > Travel Descriptions

The Current State Of Russia and It's Neighbouring Republics

ics and a union known as the Commonwealth of Independent States. These new regimes faced formidable obstacles. The collapse brought massive inflation which in turn forced the economy into a spiraling ...

(10 pages) 164 0 5.0 Feb/1997

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics

Describes What a Learning disability is a focuses on dyslexia

ng or in using language spoken or written" (Heward, 1996 p. 190).People with dyslexia can face many obstacles and experience frustration, anxiety and tension. They may have a few signs or many, which ...

(3 pages) 197 3 1.9 Oct/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

Analysis of "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty

A Sense of AccomplishmentSometimes our life is like an obstacle course, consisting of obstacles in which we have to overcome. Eudora Welty's short story "A Worn Path" takes place on a "b ... s her way toward town in a path she seems to have taken many times before, she has to overcome many obstacles. Every move she makes seems to be a slow, gradual move towards her goal. The story gives i ... n intent she sees fit for such a journey.Throughout the story, harsh weather and distance represent obstacles. However, some of the obstacles are in the form of people. Although the hunter shows her s ...

(2 pages) 21219 0 4.3 Nov/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Authors

A Game Can Change Your Whole World - Analysis on the movie The Game, staring Michael Douglas.

der, their life can hold new meaning. Throughout the film The Game, Nicholas Van Orton endures many obstacles and challenges. He becomes a wiser person and what he was once blind to, he now can see. A ...

(3 pages) 56 0 3.0 Nov/2002

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

Nixon and the Notion of Presidential Power

er notion of Presidential power.Many Presidents have faced many different tumultuous challenges and obstacles which have posed potential threats to American societal stability and security. Yet very f ...

(7 pages) 77 0 5.0 Sep/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science