Essays Tagged: "Reaction rate"

Chemestry on sodiumthiosulphate turning hydrochloric acid milk.

Investigate the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid, when you change the concentrationAim ... e the concentrationAim The aim of this experiment is to investigate what affects the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid. By using the variable of sodium thiosulp ... + sulpur dioxide + water + sulpurBackground researchWhat is the most accurate way of obtaining the reaction rate between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid?The average rate of a chemical react ...

(12 pages) 40 0 3.0 Jul/2003

Subjects: Science Essays

Chemistry, the effects of acid rain includes experiment with marble chips.

Chemistry coursework on acid rainI predict that as the temperature is increased the rate of reaction will increase. I also predict that as the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate increase ... increase. I also predict that as the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate increases the rate of reaction will increase. This means that both graphs drawn up in my analysis will have positive corre ...

(2 pages) 29 0 3.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Science Essays

I am going to investigate how the temperature affects the catalyse enzyme on hydrogen peroxide, using potato discs for the catalyse.

h for the total oxygen evolved will look like this:I think this because between A and B the rate of reaction increases the molecules of Hydrogen Peroxide will have more kinetic energy and so there wil ... the temperature is too high for the enzyme to work and the shape of the active site is damaged. The reaction slows down, as the enzyme is eventually denatured.EquipmentStop clock10ml measuring cylinde ...

(6 pages) 48 0 3.7 Jan/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

What affect the substrate has on the rate of reaction with the enzyme in potato?

Enzyme InvestigationTaskTo find out what affect the substrate has on the rate of reaction with the enzyme in potato.Variables1. PH2. Temperature3. Concentrat ... ionI think that to start with, the higher the concentration of the substrate the faster the rate of reaction. However, I think that eventually the graph will start to level off because the enzymes wil ... th care.ResearchAfter my preliminary tests I found that my original ideas for measurements made the reaction too fast. So now I am going to use 30 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide and 5g of potato each time. ...

(3 pages) 29 0 3.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

An analysis of immobilised enzymes and suspended enzymes

t was immobilised in capsules. This must mean that the suspended yeast had a much higher and faster reaction rate.This must be due to the increased surface area that the yeast suspension provides, as ... This may also have provided inhibitors to the enzyme-substrate complex, thus affecting the rate of reaction. To solve this problem, the yeast suspension should be mixed in separate beakers before bei ...

(2 pages) 36 0 3.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

To study how concentration affects the rate of a reaction.

on TheoryFor particles to react, they must collide. They must also collide with enough energy for a reaction to take place. The energy created is called activation energy. The more often and faster th ... ated is called activation energy. The more often and faster the chemicals collide, the stronger the reaction.Rate of ReactionThe rate of a reaction depends on four things:*Temperature - When the tempe ...

(4 pages) 51 0 2.2 Mar/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Investigation: How does channging the concentration of a substance affect the rate of reaction?

A chemical reaction is the process by which atoms or groups of atoms are redistributed, resulting in a change i ... ps of atoms are redistributed, resulting in a change in the molecular composition of substances.The reaction rate is how quickly a reaction occurs. I will be using the reaction rate during my investig ... be using the reaction rate during my investigation to see how the concentration of acid effects the reaction rate. To do this I will be using the following reactionHydrochloric + Calcium Ü ...

(7 pages) 45 0 3.7 May/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Chemistry Coursework

The Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction between Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium ThiosulphateIntroductionIn this experiment we are goin ... sulphate. We are going to see what effect the concentration of Hydrochloric Acid has on the rate of reaction. We are going to keep the concentration of the Sodium Thiosulphate constant. We are going t ... H2OScientific KnowledgeParticles, such as molecules, atoms or ions, must collide before a chemical reaction can take place. This diagram shows this:So the increase in concentration means increase in ...

(6 pages) 42 1 2.7 Nov/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Acid rain Investigation

s at different rates. I will now devise an experiment to investigate the causes of this problem.The reactions of magnesium with certain elements are detailed below(A) Magnesium with WaterMagnesium doe ... ations. After they have been released they react with the gases in the air and with the rain-water. Reactions like this make rain water acidic. Acid rain has a ph of between 5 and 2 the equation for a ...

(3 pages) 18 0 1.0 Jan/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Coursework and practical plan for title "Investigate the effect of temperature on the action of the enzyme diastase on starch."

above 40*C, whereas others are psychrophiles which work best below 20*C. Also affecting the rate of reaction is the concentration of enzymes- the more enzymes there are, the more likely the substrate ... ore likely the substrate will collide with an enzyme- so the more enzymes available, the faster the reaction. On the other hand if there is more substrate the reaction will be fast for a while, but th ...

(4 pages) 31 0 4.5 Oct/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Cheamistry: Rate of reaction.

The rate of a reaction is how quickly the reactants form products.Rate of Reatcion = Volume of products formed cmT ... t I will be using.Aim:The aim of the investigation is to find out the factors affecting the rate of reaction between the magnesium strip and the acid. There are four main factors, which can influence ...

(1 pages) 20 1 3.0 Jan/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

The effect of concentration of enzyme and enzyme substrate on the rate of an Enzyme-catalysed reaction

ngth.Enzymes are protein molecules that function as catalysts, that is they can speed up a chemical reaction while not being transformed in that reaction. They work by lowering the activation energy o ... her, energy has to be expended. Enzymes lower that energy barrier. When discussing enzyme catalyzed reactions, the participants in the reaction are called the substrates.Enzyme exert their effect on c ...

(13 pages) 84 0 0.0 Mar/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Collision Rate investigation

Preliminary Investigation:Aim:To investigate the rate of reaction in different concentrations of acid to find the best suitable metal from a variety of metal ... tals are Mg (Magnesium), Cu (Copper), Zn (Zinc) and Ca (Calcium). To do this i will investigate the reaction with different concentrations of hydrochloric acid. I will choose the best metal out of the ... rochloric acid. I will choose the best metal out of the 4 looking closely at its qualities e.g. the reaction times, reliability of results, metal properties etc. I will use this preliminary work to he ...

(6 pages) 15 0 3.7 Nov/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Enzyme Kinetics Lab Report: The reaction rate of enzyme, '-amylase in Starch-Iodine solution at different temperatures and pH levels

Abstract:This experimentation was to evaluate absorbance and the reaction rate of an enzyme, '-amylase in starch-iodine solution. We will be testing the relationship ... enzyme, '-amylase in starch-iodine solution. We will be testing the relationship between enzymatic reaction affected by temperature and pH. Through the testing the enzyme at different temperatures, a ... most efficiently. Analyzing absorbance of the solutions with spectrophotometery will determine the reaction rate.To test the optimal pH, the starch and a buffer were combined at a specific pH level a ...

(8 pages) 161 1 3.3 Feb/2007

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

AP Biology Enzyme Synthesis Lab Report

peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen gas. An enzyme known as catalase facilitates this conversion reaction. The catalase enzyme acts as catalysis, helping lower the energy needed to activate the rea ... lping lower the energy needed to activate the reaction while the enzyme itself is not affected. The reaction could take place without the help of catalase, but it would happen a lot more slowly becaus ...

(5 pages) 82 0 4.0 Aug/2001

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Enzyme Concentration

The Effect of Enzyme Catalysis Concentration On the Substrate Reaction Rates Name here Biology October 21, 2001 Enzyme Concentration 2 Abstract Hydrogen Peroxide ... talase concentrations from 100% enzyme to 0% enzyme, adding water to dilute the concentrations. The reaction rate with 100% enzyme concentration, opposed to the other levels of enzyme concentration, i ... enzyme concentration, opposed to the other levels of enzyme concentration, increased the catalystic reaction rate. These results maybe significant if the use of the timing mechanism is not precise. Th ...

(3 pages) 47 0 5.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Biology AT1 'rate Of Reaction' Planing And Obtaining

have certain peices that fit into each other. It is this shape that the enzyme has that causes the reaction (a puzzle could not be completed if the peices didn't fit into each other) This process is ... o collide they link together and react so an increase in temperature causes a higher rate of enzyme reaction. Above about 60? enzymes begin to collapse causing them to be unreactive, it is said they a ...

(3 pages) 7 0 0.0 Jan/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Catalase Lab Report

IntroductionCatalase is an enzyme that speeds up organic reactions. (Starr & Taggart, 2004, pg. 107). It is important because it promotes the decompositi ... a byproduct of cell metabolism that is toxic to cells. (Starr & Taggart, 2004, pg. 96-97) This reaction can be written as: 2H2O2 2H2O + 02 (Starr & Taggart, pg. 96). Oxygen gas (02) is a prod ... 2) is a product of this reaction. The rate of oxygen production will help indicate the speed of the reaction. The purpose of this experiment is to find out how temperature, pH, and concentration affec ...

(7 pages) 95 0 4.5 Oct/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Chemistry Laboratory Report: Factors affecting reaction rates

Title: Factors affecting reaction ratesProcedure A: Effect of ConcentrationAim: To investigate how the concentration of a rea ... Effect of ConcentrationAim: To investigate how the concentration of a reactant affects the rate of reaction.Hypothesis: The more concentrated the reactant, the faster the rate of reaction.Materials: ... Table 2Volume of HCl(ml)Volume of water (mL)Concentration (mol/L)1002821.6731.4641.2Discussions:The reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid:Mg (s) + 2HCl (aq) → MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)Increa ...

(1 pages) 5344 0 0.0 Nov/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Biology: Experiment- The Effect of Temperature on the Enzyme Rennin

t the effect temperature has on the activity of the enzyme rennin.Hypothesis: I believe the rate of reaction will speed up as the temperature increases until it reaches about 37oC, which is the body t ... up of proteins which are produced within living cells and act as catalysts which speed up chemical reactions. They are made up of long chains of amino acids containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and ni ...

(8 pages) 25 1 0.0 May/2009

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology