Essays Tagged: "Spartan"

The Business Life of Ancient Athens

industrially and commercially within time, and this was also a problem: overpopulation. Also, many Spartan tribes over and over attacked Greece and destroyed any crops that might grow in the soil. Pe ...

(6 pages) 65 0 4.2 Dec/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies

Sparta: Uncultured Discipline

Sparta: Uncultured DisciplineThe Spartans were the most formidable warriors in all of history. They dedicated their entire lives to w ... were taught to endure cold, hunger, pain, their courage on the battlefield was second to none. The Spartan code was to fight hard, follow orders without question and to die rather then retreat or sur ... music,' he's also supposed to off improved the lyre (a harp like instrument). The most widely known Spartan musician was Tyrtaeus. He lived during the Second Messenian War and his music inspired many ...

(7 pages) 132 0 3.5 Dec/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies

"Sparta: Historically Unique" -explains lifestyle/social structure/government of Spartans -explains why Sparta is unique -Bibliography and incorrect in-text citation included (should be fixed)

e ancient Greek city-state of Sparta. Very few city-states of ancient Greece were able to rival the Spartan people. Their unique government, social structure, and way of life made them a viable force ... ders, which consisted of twenty-eight nobles over the age of sixty, which was the retiring age of a Spartan soldier. These retired soldiers discussed law, foreign policy, and served as a supreme court ...

(4 pages) 97 0 3.5 Nov/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

How Far Does The Period 478-404 Bear Out The Contention That "Spartan Policy Is Always Governed Mainly By The Necessity Of Taking Precautions Against The Helots"?

How Far Does The Period 478-404 Bear Out The Contention That"Spartan Policy Is Always Governed Mainly By The Necessity OfTaking Precautions Against The Helots"?D ... lf and it could beargued that some of Spartas policies did have alterior motives and reasonsbut was Spartan policy always governed mainly by the necessity of takingprecautions against the Helots?A Gre ... d invaded thegreat cities of the Peloponnese. The Dorians settled in Laconia andbecame known as the Spartans whereas the previous inhabitants of thatarea were enslaved and became known as the Helots. ...

(7 pages) 41 0 3.0 Mar/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

A chapter-to-chapter study summary of Aristophanes' Greek comedy "Lysistrata", exploring the aspects of the 'Tragic Cycle'

too long. The audience learns through the first scene that their husbands who departed to fight the Spartans have left these Athenian women at home.Lysistrata's solution to forcing the war to end is t ... ting, and thus, bringing the end to the war.Lysistrata intends to have the women, both Athenian and Spartan, swear an oath to undergo her 'strike' plan, swearing by Aphrodite that they would keep thei ...

(6 pages) 103 0 3.0 Aug/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature

Spartan Leadership During The Persian War.

The defeat of Persia in 479 BC could arguably be much attributed to Spartan leadership. However, it is vital to note that such leadership was not solely responsible for ... ia. According to Hammond, "The nucleus of power around which [the Greek congress] was built was the Spartan alliance...".Sparta could be seen to be the natural leader in the Greek effort against Xerxe ... open waters, which would exacerbate their vulnerability due to such a drastic difference in numbers.Spartan leadership is not the only factor affecting the victory of the Greeks against the Persians. ...

(2 pages) 64 0 3.5 Aug/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Discusses Athens and Sparta in ancient times. Fights and government plus more. How both city-states resemble the US.

ltural expression is suppressed. Within Sparta there existed three groups: slaves, known as Helots; Spartan females, who were taught to be fit, brave, and patriotic; and Spartan males, all of whom bec ... age 20 but continued to live in the barracks. The Helots provided the necessary food and labor for Spartan males and females.The form of culture of democracy had its roots in the ancient Greek city-s ...

(2 pages) 49 1 3.3 Jan/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers


Jake HerigstadHistory 101Professor Lowrie2-22-04The Growth of SpartaWhen looking at the Spartans of the Greek world there are two major aspects that shape them. War and expansion to the so ... orld there are two major aspects that shape them. War and expansion to the social change within the Spartan's boundaries and polis. The two combined aspects helped Sparta achieve greater influence and ... y were now becoming a great group and one that was feared because of their desire to become one.The Spartans faced many similar problems that other Greek communities did, such as overpopulation and hu ...

(3 pages) 45 0 3.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature

Too Little, Too Late, There is the old familiar roar and glow of the football stadium right before the game.

a tragic injury that took his leg.With the thud of the opening kickoff, the game was underway. The Spartans were receiving against Nevada. The game was set to be close; both teams had talent, and a d ... hip. There was no real underdog. Nevada quickly seized the momentum of the game, but not before the Spartans kicked a field goal.The first quarter was almost over, and still no Neil Perry. Perry only ...

(2 pages) 21 0 3.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays

"What are the similarities and differences between Thucydides' and Herodotus' depictions of Themistocles as a person?"

Themistocles suggest that he is a devious person. In a source by Thucydides, Themistocles sent away Spartan embassy that did not wish Athens to build a wall around its city and told them that he would ... emistocles went as an official to Sparta to stall talks with them while Athens fortified it's city. Spartan envoys were then sent to Athens after receiving rumour of the fortifications and discovered ...

(4 pages) 47 0 4.0 Aug/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers

Question: "The real political leadership of Sparta rested with the elders and the ephors"(C.G.Thomas) To what extent is this an accurate assessment of the government of Sparta?

is book 'The Histories' he states, "and the power of declaring war on whom they please. In this, no Spartan may attempt to oppose their decision". This quote visibly shows that even the assembly may n ... ta was a thriving democratic society. This is shown by the quote, "the constitutional system of the Spartan state was an excellent one, and escaped many of the weaknesses and dangers of that extreme f ...

(5 pages) 21 0 5.0 Sep/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers

Explain the main features of the Spartan Economy. This essay explains the features of the Spartan economy in ancient sparta that contributes to their austere lifestyle

ary state, and the ineffectiveness of some of these structures eventually led to the decline of the Spartan economy.The geography of Sparta enabled provision of sufficient resources to the Spartans. T ... n of sufficient resources to the Spartans. The lands of Laconia and Messene, which were captured by Spartans (and the Laconians and Messenians enslaved/subjugated) became a good food source for Sparta ...

(5 pages) 40 0 4.5 Dec/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History

A Tale of Two Civilizations: Question was to explain the similarities and differences between the two Greek Empires of Athens and Sparta.

cratic form of government, a free market system of economy, and an optimistic approach on life. The Spartan civilization consisted of people from Sparta, tradesmen and farmers, as well as their Helot ... from Sparta, tradesmen and farmers, as well as their Helot subjects from their captured lands. The Spartan government was an autocratic government following a more totalitarian approach towards their ...

(4 pages) 58 1 4.8 Jan/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Peloponnesian war By Danny McGinnis

In 432 B.C. a fight between Corinth and Epidamnus broke out. Epidamnus was allied to Sparta, thus Spartan troops arrived in aid to Epidamnus. Corinth wasn't allied to Sparta nor Athens but due to an ... Peloponnesian war had begun. The Peloponnesian war, would be a war primarily fought between Spartan and an Athenian soldiers. Though both Sparta and Athens had allies and were members of leagu ...

(2 pages) 50 1 3.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

A book report on the book- Halo: The Fall of Reach By: Eric Nylund

This book is about a highly-trained group of people called the Spartans, who's job is to prevent the destruction of innocent planets from highly-destructive alien ... n as, The Covenant.The military warriors did not start out this way. The agency engaging in project SPARTAN found the best possible children candidates,that had the traits of strength, agility, and a ... they began their first assignment, and showed amazing results.The main character in this story is a Spartan by the the name of John, also referred to as Master Chief. He leads all of their operations, ...

(1 pages) 1254 3 4.2 Jun/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Explanation of the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War.

In 432 B.C., a fight between Corinth and Epidamnus broke out. Epidamnus was allied to Sparta, thus Spartan troops arrived in aid to Epidamnus. Corinth wasn't allied to Sparta nor Athens, but due to a ... ears, the Peloponnesian War had begun.The Peloponnesian War would be a war primarily fought between Spartan and Athenian soldiers. Though both Sparta and Athens had allies and were members of leagues, ...

(1 pages) 32 0 1.0 Oct/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

Exploration notes: Plots and Sub-Plots of "Lysistrata".

ata complains of the women's tardiness. Eventually more women arrive including Lampito, a strapping Spartan woman; Ismenia, a pretty Boiotian girl; and a very large Korinthian woman. After greeting ea ... without satisfying him, and Kinesias delivers a tragic soliloquy, accompanied by the male chorus.A Spartan herald, wearing a cloak in an attempt to conceal his erection, is intercepted by the Commiss ...

(5 pages) 28 0 3.0 Oct/2005

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama

Primary source documents and analyses/responses for each on Japanese-American internment during WWII.

alf years, Jeanne watched as the family she loved was torn apart by the psychological confusion and Spartan living arrangements bestowed upon them by the United States government.Before the attack on ...

(9 pages) 31 0 0.0 Dec/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Pericles Speech Position Paper(Position :Pericles' Speech was not an accurate representation of Athenian society)

enian army as one of the best in the world. Athens did have a somewhat successful military, but the Spartan-like image Pericles creates is not accurate. Also, around this time period, the polis is dec ... d, the Athenians were on the losing side of many important battles and wars. For example, after the Spartans cut of the grain trade routes to Athens, Athens surrendered to Sparta, losing the Peloponne ...

(4 pages) 68 2 4.9 Feb/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Gays in the Military

s, "there is not a constitutional right to serve in the armed forces." Living conditions are often "spartan, primitive, and characterized by forced intimacy with little or no privacy," and there are " ...

(4 pages) 89 3 4.7 May/2006

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Military & International Conflicts & Security