Essays Tagged: "Thermal radiation"

Heating systems (Radiant Heating)

ortable. For while the body generates heat, it also loses heat. Body heat is given off in winter by radiation, convection, and in a minor way, evaporation. Let's examine these forms of body heat loss ...

(5 pages) 89 1 4.6 Mar/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Engineering > Mechanical Engineering

Global Warming The greenhouse effect, what exactly is this? The

y is this? The sun supplies the energy to warm the earth. The atmosphere absorbs outgoing reflected thermal radiation to keep then earth warmer than it would be otherwise. That is the greenhouse effec ...

(3 pages) 1493 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Global Warming

ound up in Earth's environment forever. Instead, as the rocks, the air, and the sea warm, they emit thermal radiation, or infrared heat. Much of this thermal radiation travels directly out to space, a ...

(7 pages) 106 4 3.3 Dec/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science