Essays Tagged: "watermarks"

Wonders Of The Sphynx

the actual size of the Sphinx, the material make-up of the Sphinx, and the origination of the large watermarks. This and many other questions came to light as I talked to the Egyptian nationals, but m ... cording to Dr. Robert Schoch, a famous geologist and professor from Boston University, the vertical watermarks on the Sphinx were caused by water, not wind (The Sphinx). He believed that the Sphinx wa ...

(2 pages) 2241 0 0.0 Aug/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History > Ancient Egypt

Car Wash

ter. The reason that a shaded area is needed is because it is better to be under the shade so those watermarks don?t dry off on the surface of the car before you get to them.The next thing you need to ...

(3 pages) 26 0 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry