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  • Battles do not make a great man

    The net effect of battles undertaken to not make a man great, it has more to do with what drives the man, the emotions, the reasons. Gen. Lee while being a good soldier may not have been the greatest general. One needs to look into the thought process and strategies. It is noted that some of his strategies are still being looked at and explored. Unfortunately we have a world of experience to look at stategies and explore the world of violence. we need leaders that have the ability and the good sense to know when not to use violence like Gen. Lee. Does this make him the greatest, probably not. But this does make him human.
    • 14/01/2003
    • 12:37:03
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Three pages on "The Joy Luck Club" themes

    Grammar of this paper needs to be improved, (All she does is talk bad to Ann about her mother), and this is a college paper?It is not that mothers do not understand daughters, it is the fact that in certain cultures the lines of communications are such that the Matriarch runs the house and any disemination is thought of as such. realizing this give purpose to the storyline.Since the beginning of time generation gaps existed, children are self thinkers and in interpreting this book one must look at this and interpret this logic.
    • 19/12/2002
    • 12:42:06
    • Score: 4 out of 8 people found this comment useful.
  • Let it pour: A critical thinking case study

    reasonings for the recommended solutions may prove to benefit the paper, just stating information and a proposed solution with perspectives may misinform, and cause negative responses to a paper that otherwise is pretty good.
    • 19/12/2002
    • 12:30:31
    • Score: 21 out of 32 people found this comment useful.