User Details For: HeatherlyAJ

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  • Dance fever

    Beautiful EssayI really feel that you truely love dancing. If I could give you any advice it would be to reach deeper into your heart when you write. You have many great ideas, you should try to elaborate on them. Especially in the paragraph that begins "For me...". You used so many wonderful adjectives in that paragraph to really give the reader a sense of what you felt, but try to say why.Why is challenge good?How does confidence make you FEEL?You have a wonderful start and a paper that has some good emotions in it.:)
    • 24/07/2003
    • 10:44:01
    • Score: 13 out of 13 people found this comment useful.
  • ...

    Definately a great topic.Your essay is wonderful. It really made me think about my morals and ethics.well done
    • 22/07/2003
    • 12:21:29
    • Score: 12 out of 16 people found this comment useful.
  • :)

    Beautifully discriptive.It doesn't really tell about the origional piece though. I can only assume that the author has written a book of sorts.
    • 22/07/2003
    • 12:11:44
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Strange?

    "a tale of disturbing evilness"Beautiful imageryThe use of a - is not readily smiled upon. Usually this can be replaced by either , or ;.Over use of the word strange.Very interesting, makes me want to read it.
    • 21/07/2003
    • 11:48:03
    • Score: 11 out of 11 people found this comment useful.
  • ... a drunks a drunk

    I totally understand where this is coming from, I too grew up surrounded by alcohol. And parents who would contradict themselvesprobably *when I joined, not went.The military life changes people drinking outlooks.Poorly worded.I suggest reading this over carefully for any common errors.Good topic though, very easy to relate to.
    • 21/07/2003
    • 11:39:01
    • Score: 15 out of 15 people found this comment useful.
  • Too young

    Great essay.You've done a wonderful job of backing your essay up with good facts.I never really looked at age discrimination from the point of view of older people. I've really only seen it as myself being too young for things.It's great to have a different view of something, although it's almost scary to know that so many people get laid off purely for working hard for many years.
    • 21/07/2003
    • 11:34:30
    • Score: 10 out of 11 people found this comment useful.
  • -- no title --

    "Currently" and "today", is almost repetive.The first couple of paragraphs make a lot of claims with not a lot of facts in them. Which just seems like it's you're opinion.You definately added to my knowledge of Austrailia, and for that I thank you.
    • 21/07/2003
    • 11:14:46
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • I don't like the word hugely.

    I'd recomend not using "hugely". But that might just be my bias.I believe that this essay is beatifully put together, and it shows that you have really done your reseach.The quality is wonderful.You have done a fine job of putting together widely known persons of popular culture and characters so that the reader will really be able to comprehend what you are talking about.Great job.
    • 21/07/2003
    • 10:59:54
    • Score: 26 out of 26 people found this comment useful.
  • I hear ya.

    Definately a great topic. I have come from a family of many divorces and I understood where this was coming from. It is a difficult question to answer, and it does vary from couple to couple. In my experience divorce has ALWAYS been better for the children. When the parents are happy, they can help create an enviornment where their children can be happy.Well done.
    • 16/07/2003
    • 12:10:34
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Same'ol

    Though entertaining and whitty, there really isn't anything that has not been said many times before. Ya know?
    • 16/07/2003
    • 12:02:32
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Simply Plato

    If you wanted a simple summary, you have done just that. Often, Plato's work is difficult to understand, but you have taken out the aged language and details and left us with a summary that is user friendly.
    • 14/07/2003
    • 11:42:48
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Harry's Ego

    The wording needs a little bit more thought, (or perhaps I simply need to learn more of what is accepted?) in order to be more understanding and comprehensive.The piece has a very good opening with detail given to the definitions of id, ego, and superego. The definitions help in understanding the rest (for non psychology majors).I think it is also missing a clear and explicit ending to hold the piece together. The ending does have the major ties to the rest of the piece, but has very little depth for an analytical work.I do however believe that the topic and analysis are rather clever, and that it was interestingly put together.
    • 14/07/2003
    • 11:06:04
    • Score: 4 out of 5 people found this comment useful.