User Details For: Burny03

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  • Another Way

    That is not the only way to get stem cells. Yes, it is the most common way, but you can also get stem cells from embilical cord blood right after the baby is born. And seeing as how this usually thrown away it is a very less controversial method to obtaining these cells.
    • 06/08/2002
    • 22:10:11
    • Score: 9 out of 10 people found this comment useful.
  • My thoughts on intro

    good essay but intro just seems to sound like an opinion. i think you should state the source that you used to get the statistics (i.e. the bedwetting and drug use)from in the text itself. Like "The famous Dr. freud states that a serial killer is usually a person who...." or " As found in studies by the national institute of mental health, a serial killer usually is a average white male..."
    • 04/08/2002
    • 23:30:09
    • Score: 8 out of 9 people found this comment useful.