The similarities and differences of terrorism now and in the past.

Essay by iamgeniusHigh School, 10th gradeA+, March 2003

download word file, 2 pages 2.1 5 reviews

The issue I am writing about is terrorism. There are many similarities and differences between ideas of terrorism of long ago and now.

In the mid-1700's the British placed a tax on the colonists called the Stamp Act. American colonists were outraged. Many colonists thought that they could not be taxed without their consent. Some colonist joined organizations such as "The Sons of Liberty". They used violence against those responsible for carrying out the Stamp Act. From the British standpoint, this may have been considered terrorism. From the colonist's standpoint, this was standing up for what is right.

On September 11, 2001, four planes were hijacked. Two planes hit the World Trade Center, one plane hit the Pentagon, and another crashed. Thousands were killed but hundreds of thousands were impacted. The acts of the hijackers on September 11 were classified as acts of terrorism by almost certainly 99% of Americans.

Some Afghanistans who hate the United States possibly thought that this was a good thing. This relates to what American reaction to the British taxing them because it shows different views for what you think is right.

After the United States had become a nation, they had to find a way to get some money. They got money by putting taxes on certain products. Therefore, Alexander Hamilton passed a tax on whiskey. Farmers hated this tax. When farmers in Western Pennsylvania refused to pay the tax; George Washington responded. He led 12,000 troops against the farmers. The farmers fled quickly. This was important because it set an example that the United States would stand up for itself.

The acts of September 11 have led the U.S. to take action against terrorism. They are trying to get rid of anyone involved in the acts of terrorism. The U.S. is trying to...