Book critique for Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Essay by kristietseHigh School, 12th gradeA, December 2011

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Kristie Tse

AP United States History

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson: Book Critique

Silent Spring, written by Rachel Carson, helped shape the course of environmental history in the United States today. By documenting the detrimental impacts chemical pesticides have had on the environment, Carson launch environmental movement and alter the future of Earth by prohibiting the pesticide DDT and propelling radical changes in laws that are distressing our air, land, and water. One of the reoccurring themes or arguments made in Silent Spring is the destruction of nature by chemicals manufactured by the pesticide and herbicide industries. Carson is able to provide much compelling evidence to support her thesis throughout this book. She explains thoroughly the significance of all living and nonliving organisms to the ecosystem and how the eradication of merely one of them will drastically affect the entire environment. She also explains how poisons produced by mankind have probable potential to ultimately destroying all living and nonliving organisms.

Carson is successful in allowing the reader to be conscious of the harm that is resulted by these "elixirs of death" and alternatives to them. In addition, Carson is able to record the harm that is caused to animals, as well as humans, in the environment throughout Silent Spring. Silent Spring is by far one of Rachel Carson's most controversial piece of work as it was assaulted by the chemical industries that produced these toxic pesticides and herbicides.

"The history of life on Earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings" (5). Several matters that are discussed in Silent Spring includes chemicals, genetics, fauna and flora, ecosystems, the environment, man, and how they all somehow play an essential role in the Earth. Carson largely expands upon these matters by providing...