Clotilde's Past: Authorial Father.

Essay by krazkrunkmanCollege, UndergraduateA+, January 2006

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A native of El Paso, TX, Estela Portillo Trambley had a distinguished career as a writer. Her works make the women the main characters and she makes people have a new perspective of the Latino culture. The women in her stories are made strong and can accomplish many things in the world, such as for recognition and power. She married Robert Trambley when he was 21 years old and they raised six children. She was in El Paso Woman's Hall of Fame in 1986 and in 1990 named an Author of the Pass by the El Paso Herald Post. In 1972, she was honored with the Quinto Sol Literary Prize for her play, "The Day of the Swallows". In "Rain of Scorpions" (1975), she was the first Chicana writer in a field then dominated by patriarchal standards. Her husband Bob said in his memorial service eulogy, "Estela's insatiable thirst for knowledge and her relentless drive to change the inequitable status of womanhood shows in her books for she writes of women who have strength in this social world."

The plot begins when the granddaughter is visiting the grandmother in Paris. She was there to seek her grandmother's past when she left Mexico and never returned. The grandmother's name is Clotilde and the granddaughter's name is Teresa. Clotilde is infamous, so people speak of her travels adventures, marriages, and her art ventures. But there is also her past with her authorial father that made her leave Mexico forever.

She is currently living in Paris, a very beautiful and glamour city. She is making her living as an art dealer. In Paris, her arts were free, wild and energetic. "Clo was the focal point in front of the wild, umkempt order of her art, a form of liberated from civilized...