Compare/Contrast of "Dulce Decrum" by Wilfred Owen and "Dead Man's Dump" by Isaac Rosenberg

Essay by Gene MillerCollege, UndergraduateC, December 1996

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In the poems 'Dead Man's Dump' by Isaac Rosenberg and 'Dulce et Decorum est' by Wilfred Owen the main concern of these poets is to relay the theme of death. They want to let the reader feel the action, to see it with there own eyes. Both stories portray realistic imagery in many ways. The conflict that the dying soldier goes through in Rosenberg's poem and the struggle that the soldier has lunging for his mask in Owen's poem shows death as imagery

In 'Dead Man's Dump,' you see the wheels of a truck crushing bones already perished. 'The wheels lurched over the sprawling dead,' they are driving over a battle field to pick up the survivors. The drivers of the truck are playing the role of God, by coming and saving the soldier's from death. Another reference to God in the same poem is when Rosenberg refers to the 'limbers,' wheels of a cannon being pulled, carrying the dead as 'Stuck out like many crowns of thorns,' symbolizing Jesus's crown of thorns that he wore at his crucifixion.

Finally they hear a sound, one of the soldier is still alive. He begs the cavalry to hasten their search and find him. The troops hear him and begin to come barreling around the bend only to hear the dying soldier murmur his last screams. In 'Dulce,' the regiment are tired and marching like 'old hags' because they are fatigued. As the enemy discovers them they attack by dropping a gas bomb on the men. As they scatter for their masks one man doesn't quite make it. He goes through an agonizing process of dying. Like the soldier in Rosenberg's poem his cries out for his troops, his friends, to help him. To no avail does he get any...