Compare how the two poets handle their subject matter in the poems "To Daffodils" by Robert Herrick and "The Daffodils" by William Wordsworth

Essay by nhallemiJunior High, 9th grade March 2003

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In this essay I am going to look at two poems written by Robert Herrick and William Wordsworth called "To Daffodils" and "Daffodils". At first it is useful to look at the biographical details of the poets studied. The two poems are very similar in topic they choose to write about but they handle their material differently. The content of Robert Herrick's poem is about the short life span of daffodils and relating it by saying that the human race life is also short. The poem is quite depressing as it is mainly about the passing away of the daffodils/humans. The poem also describes how time passes away quickly (the word 'haste' appears a few times) and eventually we all get old and die. I think that the daffodils in his poem relate to people-perhaps he got some inspiration as such from the civil war when he could of possibly lost friend(s) and/or family, making him realise that life is too short and he expresses his emotions using the daffodils instead of people as daffodils live for little time (approx.

1 season). The content of William Wordsworth poem is relating to a wide range of thoughts. Wordworth's poems are not depressing like Herrick's but have a light, optimistic sense to them.

Robert Herrick was born in London in 1591 and apprenticed his uncle. Herrick abandoned this career in 1613 and then went on to take on a master's degree in 1620. He was ordained a priest in 1623 and became army chaplain to the Duke of Buckingham. In 1625 he was awarded for the military service by being appointed Parish Priest to Dean Prior village. During the civil war and the commonwealth period he backed the wrong side and stayed loyal to the crown. The majority of his poems...