Computer Foundation

Essay by LindaRenkenUniversity, Bachelor'sA, December 2008

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In this ever changing world of information technology, it is important to learn the basic foundations of computer’s. Only then, can an individual explore other area’s that must be explored and learned for any individual, customer, or business owner. Once the foundations are known, than an individual is able to explore the importance of the vast areas of computer security, computer network, computer programming, database, and multimedia.

Computer security and privacy are important for you to learn so you can protect yourself against credit card fraud. If you have been a victim of credit card fraud they are a process of steps to guard against thief. Speak to a security department with your bank, talk to the credit card company and the internet provider and tell them that your personal information has been stolen. Change your passwords on all of your accounts and use at least fourteen chatters of number and letter mix up the combination of the password.

Make sure that you flagged your account with a fraud alert for seven years. Make sure that you contact the police report so that they will notify that credit card company, your bank, and other creditors that you were a victim of crime. Phishing is a crime where intruders steal your personal data by a process of using credit card numbers, passwords, account data and other information. Intruders send fraudulent e-mail messages that appears like they come from your bank, web sites, or other information over the computer. To safe guard you from phishing a business should not ask you to send credit card numbers, passwords, login pages, or social security numbers through the e-mail. If you receive an e-mail from Microsoft asking to update your account it is a fraud when they ask to update your credit card. Publishing e-mail...