Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking

Essay by shampoo0000University, Bachelor'sA, December 2010

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Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking � PAGE �3�

Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking


Social Psychology - PSY/400

June 21, 2010


Conflicts and disputes exist every, among all people, and they are an inevitable part of life. Conflict may arise anytime people interact, and it cab be caused by differences in culture, personality, performance, expectations, or poor communication (Simplicio, 2010). This paper will discuss teams and conflict, and how a store handles conflict in a team environment.

Teams and Conflict

Teams are a distinct subset of groups because teams have a fairly specific and defining purpose. Groups generally form out of similar interests or an overarching organization, and teams have a specific goal or other driving agenda. The most important element in the effective functioning of any team is its collective purpose ( ). Many team conflicts develop because of a lack of clear purpose.

Effective team work requires a sense of shared goals.

When the sense fails, or team members have inconsistent views of the team's goals, and how they should be achieved, conflicts are inevitable. Common problems in team formation and effectiveness range from the obvious, such as key disagreements about the development of the goal, to other, more subtle problems, like team members who fail to meet their obligations or team leaders who refuse to delegate work, end up doing most of it themselves, and resent their team as a consequence.

Important steps in defining a mission statement include developing a tight definition of the goal for which the team has been formed, a clear and easily followed plan of attack for achieving it, and a reason for pursuing the goal. Simply knowing parameters is generally insufficient ( ). A goal-achievement plan generally includes the following crucial elements: scheduling, a roster of necessary duties, methods of communication between...