The field of psychology may have grown to be respected as a science.
Objectivity and the scientific method are both part of the psychologist's mode
of operation. However, even the greatest of psychologists can only theorize
about what makes human beings act the way they do. Absolutes are not part
of psychology . Everything is relative and open to speculation. Theorists give
us their views or ideas about life.
In the field of psychology, there have been many different areas of
interest. Human development is one of the most popular areas of interest for
those who study psychology. Freud, Erikson and Piaget are all great theorists
with different ideas concerning human development. Each theorist developed
ideas and stages for human development. Their theories on human
development had human beings passing through different stages. Each theory
differed on what these stages were. These theories also differed with their
respect towards paradigmatic assumptions, learning and development, and
relationship towards educational practice.
Freud is known as the father of psychology. Although some of his
work has been dismissed, most of it still holds weight in the world of
psychology. Freud believed that human development was fueled by inner
forces. He believed the most powerful of all inner forces was our sexual
being. Freud linked everything with sex. This includes any bodily pleasure
whatsoever. Thus, when Freud discusses the sexual needs of children, they
are not the same kind of sexual needs that an adult would experience.
Children experienced sexual gratification in different ways. Sucking their
thumbs or retaining their excrement could be seen as sexual gratification for
small children. Freud also specified certain areas of our body as erogenous
zones. Those areas included the mouth and genitals. This all fit in to Freud's
obsession with sex. An obsession that could be linked to...
Some criticism necessary.
The author is correct in that each of these theories has been influential. However, it may be a little misleading to say that they have stood up to criticism. There are many valid criticisms and much empirical evidence that casts doubt on these theories. A little more criticism here would have produced a more rounded essay. A good account of all three theories though.
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