The definition of Intellect

Essay by Dane KCollege, UndergraduateA+, October 1996

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in·tel·lect 'int-¶l-,ect n [ L intellectus , fr. intellect-, intellegere to understand ] 1 a: the power of knowing b: the capacity for thought esp. when highly developed 2 a: a person of notable intellect - Websters New World


'Intellect is and always will be of high statue. At least it should be'

Intellect, in raw form, is the power of knowing. The intellect will

always agree upon that statement.

in·tel·lec·tu·al: having or showing a high degree of intellect. An

intellectual is apparently a bright or smart person. But a bright person is not

always an intellectual. Intellect is earned. Intellect is thought to be respected,

but a non-intellectual does not always respect the intellect. Intellect is often

thought to be 'smartness'. An intellectual is thought to be, in some minds,

an 'academic genius'. But in fact the essence of intellect is common sense. In

all everyone has common sense but the intellect has a plethora of it.


sense is intellect. Common sense is logic, reason, and judgment. Intellect is

logic, reason, and judgment. The power of knowing is logic, reason and

judgment. Intellect is the power of knowing, intellect is common sense.

log·ic: the science of correct reasoning; science which deals with the

criteria of valid thought. Intellect is logic. The intellect will always make

logical choices or decisions. Logic is the key point in intellect. To have

intellect one must have logic. The intellect has certain principals he or she

must attain to. They are all logical to the intellect's thought process. 'A

logical decision is a wise decision'

rea·son: the ability to think, form judgments, and draw conclusions.

Justification of an act or idea. Intellect is reasoning. The intellect will justify

all of his or her thoughts and actions. Justification of his or...