Digital Natives

Essay by johnluerssenCollege, Undergraduate October 2013

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John Luerssen

Professor Ficalora

English 101


"Digital Natives Digital Immigrants" Reaction

The topic of this article is very interesting to me and it holds a great personal value. Growing up and going to school as a Digital Native being taught by Digital Immigrants, I felt the frustration that is displayed in this article. My whole life I have been striving for the "quick fix" for problems, which was taught to me by the fast pace of technology. I never found value in reading when I can watch a movie, or learning in a classroom when I have the whole Internet at the tips of my fingers. I relate a lot to the article the author asks, "Is it that the Digital Natives can't pay attention, or that they choose not to?" My answer to the question is that I choose not to, why would I pay attention to a boring book with all the exciting, fast information on my phone? With this thought process, it was difficult to learn from Digital Immigrants feeling like I knew more than them in this new world of technology.

I appreciate the realization that something must be done about this! We must collide these two ways of learning if education is to continue effectively. Today the so-called students are now the teachers to Digital Immigrants, when it comes to this new thought process. I love the idea of turning a lecture into an educational video game! However I do believe that there has to be an equal medium of both "old" and "new" teaching techniques. Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants must let their guards down, combine pro and cons and come to a solution around this difference.