Essays Tagged: "Learning"

Advantages of Calculators

ators are a way of doing mathematical equations when used correctly. They are also a useful tool in learning mathematics. The use of calculators have only had part in the benefit of education, and wit ... d where we are already wrapped in technology. Tests have proven calculators are useful for means of learning but because of false information, some educators and others still believe they are harmful. ...

(4 pages) 151 1 4.5 Feb/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

1st year pro seminar essay

classroom.Although modeling and reflection are simply two of many valuable pieces of knowledge I am learning, I know that this ongoing, unfinished chapter of my life will continue as it further illust ...

(4 pages) 49 0 0.0 Oct/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

How am U affected by the nature and impact of change

my life, appreciated and yet hated inevitably. As days pass by I am growing older, I am constantly learning new things, and my outlook and standpoint are constantly changing. There is nothing permane ... ore knowledge. It's like a never-ending journey; change brings change and so forth. Life if one big learning curve. Most of the time I am not overly conscious of this occurring but nonetheless, it is ...

(4 pages) 24 0 4.0 Jan/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Appropriate Classroom Behavior.

Behavior is a choice, and a teacher's role is to aid students when learning to make good choices.Inappropriate behavior is not acceptable. It should be followed by neg ... dents are given the opportunity to learn and receive an education as well as socialize. Part of the learning process is interaction, however, it should only occur when the time is suitable. Being in t ... ty of the teacher to teach effectively or the ability of other students to participate in classroom learning activities.Consequences should be given to individual students who choose to interrupt the ...

(1 pages) 40 2 1.0 Sep/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

An Analysis of Learning and Memory.

Learning and Memory.We are on the brink of a major revolution in terms of learning. Very few people ... professional educators are still unaware of the implications that human-computer interaction has on learning. The revolution will occur within the next 10 years and will affect out educational system ... ls.This revolution in the way people learn will be based on the technology of the digital computer. Learning media from other aspects of modern technology will also figure significantly.A brief review ...

(4 pages) 95 1 4.0 Oct/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Adult Learning Styles Paper.

Introduction.When learning anything as an adult, a person can start to question themselves as to whether they can stil ... ce. Knowing how each individual learns will be the key to their success when returning to school or learning a new task at work. There are three basic types of learning styles, visual learners, tactil ... ions and often use hand gestures when speaking (soft_med. 2005).One of the adults on the university learning team that is being reviewed for adult learning style is Dee Underwood. She is employed by C ...

(2 pages) 167 1 3.7 Nov/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

Analyzing the poem "Students" by Tom Wayman

The Poem, "Students," by Tom Wayman talks about four theories of learning. The first theory presented in this poem is, "The Vaccination Theory of Education," (line 1 ... grade is acceptable. This theory is common in unmotivated students who are unable to commit to the learning process. In order to improve this, students need to aim for something high to strive for. T ... f. Mr. Wayman offers "The Kung Fu Theory of Education" as an alternative. This theory suggests that learning is a form of self-defense. Learning can actually help defend students from problems and dif ...

(2 pages) 24 0 0.0 Feb/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry


(3 pages) 29 0 2.3 Oct/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Accessing Prior Knowledge Thro

he importance of prior knowledge and the life experiences of a child play a significant role in the learning of new concepts. When a child can connect what they already know with new ideas and vocabul ... sp new concepts and take more interest in the subject matter. Strength in language arts is vital to learning any text whether it is mathematics, science or social studies. What can educators do to inc ...

(1 pages) 1292 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Accessing prior knowledge through hands on experi

he importance of prior knowledge and the life experiences of a child play a significant role in the learning of new concepts. When a child can connect what they already know with new ideas and vocabul ... sp new concepts and take more interest in the subject matter. Strength in language arts is vital to learning any text whether it is mathematics, science or social studies. What can educators do to inc ...

(1 pages) 11 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Accomplished Practices

improvement, critical thinking, diversity, ethics, human development, knowledge of subject matter, learning environments, planning, role of the teacher, and last but not least technology. Mastering t ... he teachers we want to be. There are a few practices that to me are the most important in our early learning stages. As preprofessionals we must gather information from as many different source ...

(2 pages) 18 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

I am who I am.

simple. There is a fine distinction between someone who disrupts while others are in the process of learning, and someone who disrupts while they are in the destruction of that process. Some people sa ... e taught, no artist ever been discovered, no leader ever lead, and no student ever learned. I enjoy learning, and the second I stop having fun is the second I become an everyday, unmotivated member of ...

(4 pages) 42 1 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Analyzing Duke Hwan and the Wheelwright

ch and powerful Duke, namely Duke Hwan of Khi and an old wheelwright named Phien is a story full of learning and philosophies. Although the story may look like an easy one, but there is a deeper meani ... ould learn anything if he, himself, have tried it personally. He related it to himself, saying that learning how to make wheels wasn’t from reading any books made by dead people; it is from sheer ...

(3 pages) 4388 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations

ind. As Emerson said, “life is a succession of lessons.” Humans live their lives everyday learning, changing, and even adapting to the circumstances and problems they encounter. By learning ...

(1 pages) 4 0 0.0 Nov/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

"The American Scholar" by Ralph Waldo Emerson

ol system in America were to be reformed, I would have the curriculum be based more on experiential learning because that is the way students learn and retain information the best; however there would ... students learn and retain information the best; however there would not be an absence pf classroom learning.Many students are told by their parents that their goal in life is to get a good job and ma ...

(4 pages) 12 0 0.0 Mar/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Adult Development and Behavior

d by mid-life transition, the process can bewildering and overwhelming (Huyck, 1993).There are many learning theories, each of them emphasizing various aspects of the teaching and learning process. Ho ... ries, each of them emphasizing various aspects of the teaching and learning process. However, adult learning should be looked at as a distinct style of learning and is unique to that of child and adol ...

(2 pages) 44 0 0.0 Dec/2009

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology > Common Disorders

AD/HD and Dyslexia: Supporting Children and Adults with Learning Difficulties

65533; PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT �10� AD/HD and DyslexiaSupporting Children and Adults with Learning DifficultiesBeth L. LynchAPUSApril 10, 2010IntroductionAttention deficit/hyperactivity diso ... d dyslexia are not diseases; therefore, they cannot be cured. Children and adults who struggle with learning difficulties (LD) face a myriad of challenges in school, and, in their daily lives. They ne ...

(7 pages) 54 0 4.0 Jul/2010

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

Digital Natives

t to me by the fast pace of technology. I never found value in reading when I can watch a movie, or learning in a classroom when I have the whole Internet at the tips of my fingers. I relate a lot to ... ppreciate the realization that something must be done about this! We must collide these two ways of learning if education is to continue effectively. Today the so-called students are now the teachers ...

(1 pages) 0 0 0.0 Oct/2013

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology > Human Biology

Philosophy of Education

methods that are more convenient. From what I was able to understand, the previous lesson involved learning how a well works, its different parts, and how it is designed to simplify work. The teache ... ght I was able to gain from the dialogue holds that monitoring and assessing the students while the learning process is in progress. This is a means of the teacher will be able to determine the streng ...

(3 pages) 3 0 0.0 Oct/2013

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature